
E-commerce fraudsters failed to refund Tk 1.25 billion to customers

FE Team
| Published: June 29, 2024 22:35:17

Dozens of fraudulent e-commerce companies such as Eorange Shop have yet to refund an estimated 1.25 billion taka to their gullible customers.
Sources say that refund efforts are moving at a snail’s pace.
According to data available with the National Directorate for Consumer Rights Protection, the amount of funds blocked by customers in 34 online shopping platforms amounted to a staggering Tk 5.34 billion.
Sources in the Commerce Ministry said that as of June 13, 2024, about 15 companies have refunded over Tk 4.87 billion to 67,070 customers.
More than a dozen companies in trouble have not yet refunded their customers.
The websites include Needs, Twenty-four TKT, Eorange, Wikum, Akash Neel, Priya Shop, Aladdin’s Lamp, Amar Bazaar, Astha Pratik, Home, Safe and Infinity Marketing Limited.
According to the source, refund activities are currently progressing at a slow pace. Refunds to affected customers should be made faster.
The refund program began in January 2022.
The ministry has now expressed hope that the remaining amount will be refunded to affected customers within the next few months.
Nagad, bKash, Software Shop (SSL), ShurjoMukhi, Foster Corporation and United Commercial Bank act as payment gateways and service companies.
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