
Credible reporting essential to solving Latin America’s homicide crisis

The underreporting of homicides in Brazil highlights the urgent need for reliable reporting. Accurate data is crucial to developing effective anti-violence policies. Examples from across Latin America highlight the importance of transparency in addressing security challenges in the region.

Recent revelations from the 2024 Atlas of Violence, compiled by the Brazilian Institute of Applied Economic Research and the non-governmental organization Brazilian Public Security Forum, revealed a surprising statistic: between 2019 and 2022, at least 24,102 homicides in Brazil were not reported as such. This figure represents 11.3% of all violent deaths during this period. The report estimates that there were approximately 213,700 homicides during these four years, but only 189,600 were officially recorded.

This discrepancy is a glaring example of the challenges in accurately documenting violent crimes. In 2022 alone, 46,409 homicides were reported, but an estimated 5,982 were uncounted. Over the decade from 2012 to 2022, the number of unreported murders is estimated at 51,726. These are deaths that public authorities do not classify as homicides, but very likely do.

Underreporting homicides has significant implications for public policy and security measures. When authorities cannot determine whether a death was caused by homicide, accident or suicide, the resulting ambiguity undermines efforts to address the root causes of violence. In the study, researchers analyzed 131,562 cases of violent deaths of undetermined cause between 2012 and 2022, finding that 51,726 cases were likely homicides that were not recorded as such.

In 2022, the registered homicide rate in Brazil was 21.7 per 100,000 inhabitants. Including unreported homicides, the rate increases to 24.5 per 100,000. Daniel Cerqueira, coordinator of the Atlas, emphasizes that this discrepancy between registered and estimated homicide numbers has implications for the analysis and policy formulation of regional authorities.

A regional problem: Latin America’s problems with accurate crime data

Brazil is not the only country struggling with these problems. Across Latin America, underreporting and misclassification of violent crimes is common, distorting the true scale of the problem. In Mexico, for example, infamous “femicides” are often underreported or misclassified as suicides or accidents, masking the seriousness of gender-based violence. The lack of reliable data makes it difficult for the government to implement effective measures to protect women and combat violence.

In Venezuela, the political and economic crisis has exacerbated the problem of underreporting. The country has one of the highest violent crime rates in the world, but many murders remain unreported due to institutional corruption and the collapse of public security apparatuses. Without accurate data, it is nearly impossible to develop strategies to reduce violence and improve public safety.

The consequences of inaccurate reporting are far-reaching. First, it hampers law enforcement efforts. With a clear understanding of crime patterns and hot spots, police forces can effectively allocate resources and implement targeted interventions. This inefficiency can lead to an increase in crime and a general sense of insecurity among society.

Second, underreporting affects public perception and trust in institutions. When citizens perceive that crimes are not being accurately reported or solved, their trust in law enforcement and government institutions erodes. This distrust can lead to less cooperation with authorities, further complicating crime prevention and investigation efforts.

Third, inaccurate data affects international perceptions and relationships. Countries with high crime rates may have trouble attracting investment and tourism, which are essential for economic development. On the other hand, underestimated crime rates can create a false sense of security, delaying necessary reforms and interventions.

The need for transparent reporting systems

To meet these challenges, Latin American countries must invest in transparent and reliable reporting systems. Accurate collection of crime data is crucial to developing effective public policies and ensuring accountability. Governments should prioritize the following actions:

Strengthening institutions: It is essential to build solid institutions capable of accurately recording and analyzing crime data. This includes training law enforcement personnel, improving forensic capabilities and ensuring the independence of statistical agencies.

Implementing technology: Leveraging technology can streamline data collection and analysis. For example, digital reporting platforms and databases can streamline the process of recording and sharing crime information across agencies.

Encouraging public reporting: Public awareness campaigns can encourage citizens to report crimes. Providing anonymity and protection to whistleblowers can also increase the number of reports.

International cooperation: Regional cooperation can help standardize crime reporting methodologies and share best practices. International organizations and partnerships can provide technical assistance and funding to improve local capabilities.

Successful reporting reforms

Some Latin American countries have significantly improved crime reporting and data transparency. In Colombia, the implementation of the Integrated Information System for the Security of Citizens (SPOA) has improved the accuracy of crime statistics. This system integrates data from various law enforcement agencies, providing a comprehensive overview of crime trends and enabling more effective policy responses.

Chile has also made progress with the creation of a National Crime Observatory. This institution systematically collects and analyzes crime data, offering valuable information to decision-makers and the public. By making this information publicly available, Chile has improved transparency and accountability in its approach to public safety.

These examples show that with the right investment and commitment, significant improvements in crime reporting and public safety can be achieved.

Media and civil society play a key role in promoting accurate reporting. Investigative journalism can expose discrepancies in official statistics and hold authorities accountable. Civil society organizations can advocate for transparency and support victims in reporting crimes.

Media outlets should prioritize accuracy and depth in their crime reporting, avoiding sensationalism that can distort public perceptions. By focusing on data-driven reporting, journalists can contribute to a more informed public discourse and pressure governments to address issues related to underreporting.

Civil society organisations, including human rights groups and community associations, can provide support and resources to victims to help them through the reporting process. These organizations may also conduct independent research and publish results that point to gaps in official data.

Building a Safer Latin America

Accurate crime reporting is not just a bureaucratic necessity, but a cornerstone of public safety and trust in government. The underreporting of homicides in Brazil and other Latin American countries underscores the urgent need for reliable data collection and analysis. Latin America can develop transparent and effective reporting systems by strengthening institutions, leveraging technology, and fostering international cooperation.

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Media and civil society must also play an active role in this process, ensuring that the public remains informed and engaged. Only through a concerted effort can the region address its security challenges and build a safer, more transparent future for its citizens.