
Taking care of creation: switching to renewable energy

Solar panels in front of a nuclear power plant and wind turbines at sunset.  Photo:iStock/vencavolrab

Since the leader of the opposition made his statement about nuclear reactors, and many others, my heart began to ache.

It’s not personal. It’s just that the climate is changing so quickly and we need to work better together.

As it happens, a few days later I met up again with my friend and wonderful theologian, Graeme Garratt. He and his partner were sitting by the sea, listening and watching, and then writing On the Edge: The Ocean’s Way.

It is an invitation to listen to the work of creation and regain a sense of wonder.

Always asking: “what will we do now?”, we plan a Liturgy that will speak more fully about the Creator’s gift in the form of our planetary life. Once we make a decision about God’s presence, it turns out that many people react to this hour in a similar way.

In March an extraordinary meeting took place in Assisi.

Today we have more news…

My friends at the UNFCCC’s Interreligious Liaison Committee continue to raise awareness on this issue.

What’s heartbreaking in this country is that preventing catastrophic climate change is still so divisive. Watching the fight is beyond boring.

We cannot continue to emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causing the planet to warm and life to become extinct!

We simply need to switch to renewable energy sources for life to sustain itself.

We just have to do it.

It’s like getting a flat tire on a country road. You just have to replace it.

We do not need solutions like nuclear reactors with their deadly, toxic waste.

While talking with another friend, we decided that messaging just needed to become simpler and more like the rest of life.

We rely on the knowledge of others in many areas of life.

Be it building bridges; raising healthy hamsters; for example, managing the Reserve Bank or helping troubled children.

Other people help us live well by sharing their knowledge.

It’s similar with this one. We know that there are wonderfully talented people who are offering the best years of their working lives to help with this change. I met them at UNCOP.

I listened to them through the miracle of Zoom and saw them planning a better future here.

So that when we put the kettle on, the water is still boiling; the lights on the field did not go out when the game was close; life has not become impossible for our Pacific neighbors. And if we want to sing Old Emu will be an emu.

I can’t fly, but I’m telling you, I can run down a kangaroo’s pants!
“If we take care of the earth, it will take care of us.”

I’m about to turn 4, my granddaughter told me this one evening.

We watched Molly from DenaliMolly and her family are Native Alaskans.

The program imparts indigenous wisdom in a warm and engaging way.

Can’t we just continue this transformation without the divisive noise, caring for the earth and the children’s future, just like our granddaughter?

This life is so amazing. Just being here and among the beauty of creation.

Mary Jo Hoffman photographed nature every day for a decade.

In his book he shares his appreciation and deeper awareness of the connectedness of all things.

STILL The Art of Noticing (Monacelli Press, New York 2024)

If we appreciate such creation, we cannot afford to poison it or otherwise make life difficult.

This is a place from which we can work together to transition to renewable energy.

If we take care of the earth, the earth will take care of us.

As we care for creation, we breathe in and out… ever grateful that we have this gift of life on our amazing planet.

That’s why my friends and I are offering a simple visual meditation every evening until UN Peace Day on September 21. Our focus is on Australia in space.

It allows us to focus and it’s a simple thing to recommend.

Still hoping for reasonable cooperation, we must persevere.

So we wrote this on our church board between rains. Like a Tibetan sand mandala, taking the time to make it is a meditation… and it can always be renewed!