
The visit of the Thai delegation strengthens cooperation between the penitentiary sector and Indonesia, says the ministry

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Indonesia The Ministry of Law and Human Rights has confirmed that the visit of a Thai delegation to the Jakarta Drug Prison on Friday, June 28, 2024, could boost cooperation in the prison sector between the two nations.

“We hope that this visit can be a good step towards establishing closer cooperation between the two countries, especially in the management of correctional facilities,” noted Supriyanto, Ministry Secretary of the Directorate General of Prisons, on Saturday, June 29, 2024.

Supriyanto said the ministry is open to sharing best practices and experiences in prison management that have been implemented in Indonesia.

During the visit, the Thai delegation witnessed coaching and rehabilitation programs implemented at the Jakarta Drug Correctional Facility.

Erwedi Supriyatno, director of the Ministry of Prisoner and Juvenile Development, explained that the facility runs personality development programs as well as other coaching programs.

He emphasized that he also organizes various types of certified or regular training, conducted independently or in cooperation with partners.

The head of the Thai delegation, Parit Wacharasindu, said his delegation’s visit was aimed at checking how recidivism is being dealt with in Indonesia.

“We are grateful for the hospitality, we want to find out how we deal with recidivism because the recidivism rate in Thailand is quite high,” he said.

He confirmed that the visit could help strengthen bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand in the prison sector and exchange best practices in combating recidivism.

At the Jakarta Correctional Facility, the delegation wanted to learn more about programs that can help prisoners get back on track after serving their sentences.

In addition to exchanging information and experiences, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the Thai delegation also explored the issue of more concrete cooperation, comparative studies and adaptation of best practices.


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