
A strong team of SNP MPs will fight tooth and nail against Labor cuts – Scottish National Party

I can’t remember a time when Britain felt more divided than it does now.

Indeed, few of us can do this. Whether it is the scars left by a reckless Brexit or the increasing polarisation of our debate, it seems that only fundamental change is the antidote to this national malaise.

Successive Westminster governments have left a deplorable legacy; a series of failures that have shown Scotland that the decisions that affect us would be better made here.

Westminster governments neglected to invest adequately in public services and infrastructure, and pursued policies that discouraged investment and stifled growth. Their legacy was to allow the UK to stagnate and stumble in international league tables.

And we have no reason to believe that Labor can deliver the fundamental change we need. People on these islands are demanding a fundamental reset of the status quo – not an empty word on a poster.

It is clear that Labour’s figures are wrong and their priorities are wrong.

The IFS estimates that scrapping the two-child limit, a Tory welfare measure that keeps thousands of children in poverty, would cost £3.4 billion. That’s a drop in the ocean for any Westminster government, but Sir Keir has doubled down on his promise to keep it, along with the rape clause, the bedroom tax and a litany of Tory policies that have made things worse in this country, not better.

It is not just those already living in poverty who will feel the cold shoulder of a failing Labour government. There is an £18 billion black hole in the finances. Unless Labour considers long-awaited reform of Westminster’s creaking tax system, all that will be left will be austerity.

They may call it something different, of course, but for countless families across Scotland it will feel the same.

Austerity won’t be confined to England – decisions made by Westminster are being felt here too, affecting the money we have to spend on public services.

I know how difficult it is already to deliver the Scottish budget – I have done my part. But with a renewed austerity program this will be almost impossible, like trying to land a Boeing 747 on a sticky note!

Shadow minister Nick Thomas-Symonds told Times Radio that Labor could discover public finances are “even worse” than expected – a claim refuted by Paul Johnson, director of the Institute of Fiscal Studies, who confirmed Labour’s denials ” they do not make sense”.

This comes as the independent Institute for Fiscal Studies highlighted fiscal constraints, already signed up to by both Labour and the Tories, which would mean at least £18 billion in extra public sector cuts after more than a decade of Westminster austerity.

These comments from Nick Thomas-Symonds indicate that Labor is planning even deeper cuts than the £18 billion it has already committed to.

To put it bluntly, Labor is gearing up for cuts to the public service. The shadow health secretary, Wes Streeting, has already spoken about his desire to open up the health service to privatization, and the Labor Party in Scotland has floated the idea of ​​abolishing free tuition fees.

We can clearly see that Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party will keep children in poverty, force even deeper cuts to our precious NHS budget and curtail key drivers of social mobility.

Westminster will not change. It will never change.

After 14 years of austerity, the last thing Scotland needs is further cuts to public services, but that is exactly what Labour is proposing.

Westminster politicians will stage the same old show we have seen hundreds of times before. The script is always the same; these are tough times, we have to make tough decisions, there is no other way.

Well, the SNP have shown that this is nonsense. We have shown there is another way. Investing in infrastructure to drive growth, establishing a fairer tax system to fund our public services and ensuring Scotland leads from the front to secure a Just Transition.

Only the SNP will deliver a future where decisions are made in Scotland, for Scotland. And only a strong team of SNP MPs will stand up for our communities and put Scotland’s interests first.

Vote SNP on July 4 to end austerity, Brexit and the cost of living crisisvol.