
The share of the manufacturing sector in Belarus’ GDP will be 27.5% in 2023.

MINSK, June 30 (BelTA) – The manufacturing sector produces 27.5% of Belarus’s gross domestic product, BelTA has learned from a review of statistics on the country’s manufacturing sector in 2023 published by the National Statistical Commission.

According to the Statistics Poland, 24% of all employed Belarusians work in the manufacturing sector, which is an increase of 0.2 percentage points compared to 2022. Currently, 893,000 people are employed in the manufacturing sector.

The share of the industrial processing sector in the export of goods increased by 0.5 points. percent up to 94.1%. Belarus’s industrial production in 2023 amounted to Br 187.8 billion, led by the Minsk and Gomel oblasts.

In 2023, the number of industrial organizations increased by 213 units. At the end of 2023, there were 16,285 enterprises of the manufacturing sector. Medium-tech enterprises accounted for 33.2% of the gross value added of the manufacturing sector. The share of high-tech enterprises was 6.8%, which is 0.9 percentage points more than in 2022. The manufacturing industry accounted for 90.1% of industrial production. This is followed by electricity generation, gas, steam, hot water and air-conditioning supply (7%), water supply, waste collection, processing and disposal (1.7%), and the mining industry (1.2%).