
Scientists Search Caribbean Volcano for Geothermal Energy and Critical Metals

Scientists from the UK are observing a Caribbean volcano to find out where they can find metals necessary for the production of batteries and electric cars, as well as how its heat can be used to generate energy.

Experts say volcanoes around the world are emitting copper, lithium, gold and many other so-called critical metals in their plumes in quantities similar to those mined around the world every day.

Fluids called geofluids occur beneath dormant volcanoes, and recovering dissolved minerals in them and simultaneously generating energy could make geothermal energy a viable renewable energy source.

They also have the potential to supply a significant proportion of the key metals, such as lithium, needed for batteries and necessary for the transition to net zero energy.

Scientists from the Oxford Martin Rethinking Natural Resources Program, part of the University of Oxford, are looking at a volcano on the Caribbean island of Montserrat.

So we are at the very beginning of something that will grow to huge proportions…

Professor Jonathan Blundy

They’re digging in the ground around the volcano to analyze geofluids in hopes of creating a plan that can be applied to places around the world.

Professor Jonathan Blundy, from the programme, told the PA news agency: “We are using Montserrat as an example, as a blueprint and we will better understand what we can do in Montserrat but also what we could do in other places.

“So I think that maybe not in my lifetime, but in my children’s lifetime, what we call saline geofluids – the resource landscape where metals and energy are extracted from underground fluids – will be very widespread in the resources of the future.

“So we’re really at the beginning of something that’s going to be very big, I think, simply because we can do it with much less disruption to the surface and without big holes in the ground.”

Geothermal energy is heat generated inside the Earth and is a renewable resource that can be obtained for human use.

David Pyle, a professor of geosciences who also works on the program, said: “What we’re interested in is when these hot fluids come to the surface, what else do they bring with them in terms of dissolved minerals, dissolved chemicals.

The reasons for undertaking this work have changed, as we now want to reduce our dependence on burning hydrocarbons.

Prof. David Pyle

“Because there is a possibility that there may be trace amounts of metals or other mineral species that could be of economic importance if we could figure out ways to extract them from these fluids.”

He added that the processes and information obtained on Montserrat could be applied worldwide, including to places like Cornwall where it is possible to drill to depths of several kilometres and access hot fluids rich in lithium.

Prof. Pyle explained: “I think part of this project is to see if we have new ways of extracting resources by looking for metals that are already dissolved in fluids.”

“These are fluids that we can bring to the surface to create energy and then return them back to the interior – so in a sense it’s a greener way of extracting resources.

“However, there are prospects for geothermal energy to become an economically viable resource.”

Professor Pyle said the Montserrat findings could one day be used to discover untapped resources in the UK.

He told PA: “I’m sure it’s the type of business that would be most appropriate for regions like Cornwall.

“The reasons for doing this work have changed as we now want to reduce our dependence on burning hydrocarbons.

“So once again, looking at the fluid content coming out of these systems could be very important.”

Scientists have been working on the three-year project for a year now, and will begin analyzing the collected data in the next three to six months.