
Artificial intelligence and the role it will play in our region (sponsor)

I can’t help but notice that Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) seems to be becoming more and more prevalent in our lives, both in the discussions we have and in terms of who is using it and how.

Artificial intelligence is here to stay and will disrupt almost every company and sector in some way or form.

I have therefore looked at how AI could impact key sectors of the Central Otago economy to better understand what this could mean for our local economy.

I found that AI is expected to have a significant impact on all key sectors in Central Otago, including agriculture, tourism, viticulture, horticulture, local government and healthcare. Interestingly, the impact appears to be positive for each of these sectors, in particular:

  • Agriculture: Over time, AI is expected to revolutionize agricultural practices by improving precision farming, optimizing irrigation, and improving crop management to increase productivity and yields.
  • Gardening: Artificial intelligence is expected to enable better forecasting in the sector, and new innovative technologies are expected to improve the automation of packing houses along with picking and transport processes.
  • Tourism: AI is expected to improve visitor experience through personalized recommendations and improved business operations.
  • Viticulture: The industry will benefit from better vineyard management, which will result in better wine production and better market management.
  • Local government:Artificial intelligence will be implemented to increase work efficiency, which should streamline administrative processes and improve the quality of public services.
  • Healthcare: Applications of artificial intelligence in healthcare have the potential to improve patient care and operational efficiency in healthcare facilities across the region, and could even expand remote access to services not currently provided in Central Otago.

Overall, there appears to be a lot of upside to AI in terms of how it can revolutionize key economic sectors in the Central Otago region.

While we are still learning how AI will be used and applied, it looks like overall it will have a positive impact that should, over time, further improve the economic prosperity of Central Otago.

There are, of course, ethical considerations that need to be properly addressed over time in relation to the use of AI in some ways and forms, including ensuring that the information we obtain through AI is factually accurate.

However, central government regulations should, over time, address this problem in the economies of the Western world.

As business owners, we can’t ignore this.

AI is here to stay, so I advise you to continue to monitor what useful innovative products emerge over time and implement them into your business to increase efficiency and improve the customer experience.

I know other companies and regions will want to do this too, so if we don’t do the same, we could be left behind.
