
How Google is Helping Accelerate Clean Energy Progress in Asia Pacific

Taking this a step further, we can offer some of the power of clean energy to our suppliers and semiconductor manufacturers in the region so they can meet their own sustainability goals while helping us reduce Scope 3 emissions (indirect emissions from our value chain). . Much of our Scope 3 impact can be traced back to the electricity networks that power our suppliers and users, which is why broad decarbonization – and partnerships like these – continue to underpin our net zero goal.

BlackRock Global Head of Climate Infrastructure David Giordano commented: “As demand for digital services grows, driven by AI and data-centric technologies, investing in clean energy becomes imperative. This partnership demonstrates Google and BlackRock’s shared commitment to driving the transition to a low-carbon economy.”

How we unlock decarbonization opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region

The partnership builds on more than five years of collaboration to accelerate the transition to clean energy through market and policy development in the Asia-Pacific region. Our advocacy and engagement work was a key driver behind the 2017 amendment to Taiwan’s Electricity Law, which opened up the market to allow non-utility companies to directly purchase renewable energy. Through this work, we became the first corporate purchaser to sign a PPA in the market. Since then, Taiwan has achieved significant cumulative contracted capacity through corporate PPAs, becoming one of the leading corporate PPA markets in the Asia-Pacific region.

Continued progress towards our zero-carbon energy goal is taking place in the Asia-Pacific region, as evidenced by recent announcements in Australia and Japan. In parallel, we work with partners to support policies that accelerate the decarbonization of energy networks. We are a founding member of the Asia Clean Energy Coalition (ACEC), which brings together energy buyers, suppliers and policymakers to help improve the policy and regulatory environment for corporate renewable energy purchases. Coalitions like ACEC are essential to driving the system-level transformation required for a zero-carbon future in the Asia-Pacific region.

This partnership is an important milestone in our net-zero and zero-emissions journey, and there is still much work to be done both in the Asia-Pacific region and globally. To learn more about our sustainability work, visit