
Democrats Propose New Zoning Rules That Could Transform Texas Cities – The Daily Texan

The Texas Democratic Party convened for its annual meeting on June 8 to discuss a variety of issues that culminated in the development of the Texas Democratic Party Platform for 2024, including the party’s plans to reform zoning laws in the state.

Due to high interest rates and inflation, housing affordability is a key issue for many Texans because price apartments are becoming more expensiveGreg Anderson, assistant professor of urban studies, said the issue of housing affordability should not be politicized.

“The fact is we need housing and it’s not a left or right issue,” Anderson said. “We all need housing. … If we continue to over-regulate our cities, especially those that exist, we will simply continue to drive away the people who have helped our communities function and function.”

Anderson also said the main reason there has always been opposition to changing zoning laws is “NIMBY-ism,” which means “not in my backyard.” NIMBYs use political pressure to keep developments out of certain neighborhoods, even though they may have a positive impact on the community.

“When housing serves a greater diversity of income earners, people want to fight,” Anderson said. “Over the last 30 to 40 years, we have added zoning and regulations to most of our cities that make it very difficult to build housing.”

Under Texas Democrats’ plans, cities could potentially rezone some neighborhoods to allow for mixed-use development, which would lower real estate prices. But these changes don’t happen overnight, said Justin Lanier, co-leader of the University Tenants’ Union.

“I think it really depends on your city’s politics,” Lanier said. “Whenever you add housing to a city’s housing mix, you are ensuring that housing will become more affordable in the future. It won’t be immediate… but it is an important investment in the future.”

Brian Peña, president of University Democrats, said that while the proposal could lead to new changes, it serves more as a guideline.

“Whenever a party gives a platform, it’s not necessarily a direction, it’s more of a recommendation,” Peña said. “So it really depends on the cities on an individual level. … Austin is at the forefront of solving this problem.”

One way the city dealt with the problem of zoning and density was University District overlay on West Campus. Developed in the early 2000s, UNO has adapted over time to meet the needs of the community. As part of the plan, the city approved the construction of taller apartment buildings if developers agreed to provide a certain number of affordable housing units called “SMART” housing.which eliminates fees for developers to offer below-market rent to low- and moderate-income Austin residents.

“Adding thousands of bedrooms to West Campus has been amazing for Austin as a whole, just because there are so many people who wake up, cross the street, go to school and are able to walk home,” Anderson said. “There are a lot of young people (who) are choosing not to have cars and now they can live in this way that is much more affordable.”