
Government announces recyclable materials will go into one bin under simpler collection rules

The government has announced that households in England will be able to put their recyclable waste in one bin under simpler collection rules.

The Department for the Environment (Defra) announced on Friday that the same materials would be collected from homes, workplaces and schools across the country in a bid to end confusion caused by councils operating with different systems.

Under the new regulations, people will be able to throw plastic, metal, glass, paper and cardboard into one container.

Local governments will also be able to collect food and garden waste together.

Defra said the new measures will mean households will no longer have to check which materials their council will accept for recycling.

They will also reduce the complexity of waste collectors’ operations and increase recycling rates, he added.

Elsewhere, the government said it supports local governments in increasing the frequency of collections to prevent bins from littering the streets.

A minimum safeguard will be introduced, it has been announced, which will require councils to collect black bin waste at least once every fortnight, in addition to their weekly food waste collection.

Recycling minister Robbie Moore said: “We all want to do our bit to increase recycling and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill, but the patchwork of different waste collections across England means it can be difficult to know what your council will accept.

“Our plans for Simpler Recycling will put an end to this confusion: we will ensure that the same set of materials is collected regardless of where you live.”

Paul Vanston, chief executive of the Industry Council for Packaging and the Environment (INCPEN), said: “Homeowners can take this Government announcement as a commitment that wherever we live across the country, all our local authorities will quickly implement waste for recycling collections across the full range materials that match the recycling labels on packaging that citizens rely on for guidance.”

Defra said the plans would cover all homes in England, including flats.

Similar measures will cover non-domestic communal premises, including businesses, hospitals, schools and colleges, places of worship, prisons, charity shops, hostels and public meeting places.