
Inside The Mall Group’s digital approach to customer satisfaction

It introduced innovative services such as “chat and shop” and “call to order”.

Thai retail conglomerate The Mall Group is leading a revolutionary change in shopping with advanced digital technologies.

In an interview with Retail Asia, Voralak Tulaphorn, chief marketing officer at The Mall Group, shared how the company leverages personalized services, engaging digital interactions and strategic consumer insights.

Integration of digital technologies

“The shopping mall group has transformed. Of course, we have transformed our online platform to be a little more personalized in terms of shopping services and experience,” Tulaphorn said.

“Our team provides a personalized experience and also understands the unique preferences of each customer. So… when they want to make new purchases, it actually helps them get there faster,” she added.

This process allows retailers to tailor their products and services to each person’s needs and helps build deeper connections with each customer.

Tulaphorn also cited the retail giant’s introduction of “chat and buy” and “call to order” services – services that enable personalized interactions, cater to individual preferences and increase overall shopping efficiency.

As a high-end department store, they meet the needs of customers by offering a selection that is not everyday. Their goods can be seasonal, exclusive and very diverse, she added.

In addition, the trend of omni-channel shopping is visible among consumers, so marketing strategies must appeal to those who are increasingly looking for entertainment and engagement while shopping.

Tulaphorn said that in response, it has launched initiatives such as live-streamed shopping events and interactive features using augmented reality (AR), which aim to meet expectations for an immersive experience to keep customers happy and loyal.

“It probably made them shop more and sometimes also make them more relaxed and have fun while shopping,” she said.

Another trend that marketing expert The Mall Group talks about is the growing demand for digital payments, as many customers now make payments online.

“We have QR payments… we have credit card, debit card, which actually makes it even more convenient to shop online or do social commerce,” Tulaphorn said. “We’re not an e-commerce company. We definitely do more offline. But we also realized that customers are becoming more channel-centric.”

Challenges and innovations

The challenges of e-commerce are staring them in the face. Tulaphorn identified high shipping costs as a significant obstacle. To combat this, The Mall Group is encouraging customers to use click-and-collect, leveraging store visits into potential upselling opportunities.

She highlighted the work involved in implementing artificial intelligence to deliver personalized shopping experiences, noting ongoing efforts to optimize back-office operations.

“There’s a lot of work on the back end, so it’s quite a labor-intensive job,” Tulaphorn said.

But The Mall Group is not deterred. It said it expects digital payment methods and consumer preferences based on sustainability to continue to grow.

In fact, they are preparing to further integrate AR and virtual reality (VR) technologies into their platforms to increase customer engagement and improve in-store navigation.