
Citigroup maintains a neutral rating on Keywords Studios (LON:KWS)

Keywords Studios (LON:KWS – Download Free Report)In a report published on Monday, Citigroup confirmed its “neutral” rating on the company’s shares, Digital Look reports.

Several other equities analysts have also commented on the stock recently. Shore Capital downgraded Keywords Studios to a “hold” rating in a research report on Monday, May 20. Berenberg Bank reissued a “buy” rating and set a GBX 2,090 ($26.51) price target on shares of Keywords Studios in a research report on Tuesday, May 21st. Three analysts gave a hold rating and two gave a buy rating. According to MarketBeat, Keywords Studios has an average rating of “Hold” and a consensus price target of 2,163.75 GBX ($27.45).

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Keywords Studies Price Performance

LON KWS shares opened at 2310 GBX ($29.30) on Monday. Keywords Studios has a 52-week low of 1101 GBX ($13.97) and a 52-week high of 2498 GBX ($31.69). The stock has a market capitalization of GBP1.83 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 11,000.00, a PEG ratio of 2.97 and a beta of 0.88. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 29.10, a current ratio of 1.70 and a current liquidity ratio of 1.13. The company’s 50-day simple moving average is 1822.40 GBX and its 200-day simple moving average is 1596.33 GBX.

Internal transactions at Keywords Studios

In other Keywords Studios news, insider Don Robert acquired 4,700 shares of Keywords Studios stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, May 7. The shares were acquired for an average cost of GBX1,189 ($15.08) per share, for a total transaction value of GBP55,883 ($70,890.52). Insiders now own 5.76% of the stock.

Keyword Studies Information

(Download the free report)

Keywords Studios plc provides creative and technical services to the video game industry worldwide. The company offers art creation services related to the production of graphic assets for inclusion in a video game, including the creation of concept art, as well as the production and animation of 2D and 3D graphic assets.

Further reading

Analyst Recommendations for Keywords Studios (LON:KWS)

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