
7 Free Tech Gadgets, Facebook Tracking, Safe Gadgets, and More: Tech Q&A

Every week I get tons of questions from my listeners about tech, new products, and all things digital.

Sometimes selecting the most interesting questions and discussing them is the best part of my job.

This week I’ve been getting questions about free tech gadgets, Facebook tracking, safe gadgets, and more.

Do you have a question you would like to ask me?

Click here to email me directly.

Facebook tracking

Q: I heard Facebook is now tracking me when I shop at retail stores. How can I stop it? It’s annoying and intrusive.

A: Facebook partners with real stores, so they don’t just collect data from your browser, they also collect data from your real-world activities. This practice is called “off-Facebook activity,” and it’s already used by retailers like Macy’s and Dick’s Sporting Goods.

Luckily, you can opt out—if you know how to change your settings. Tap or click here to stop Facebook from tracking you.

Data Breach Alerts

Q: I find out about data breaches when it’s too late to do anything about them. Is there a way to get ahead of the game?

A: When you don’t know a data breach has occurred, you have trouble keeping up with updates, patches, new security measures, and damage control. That’s one reason I distribute an exclusive free fraud and security alert newsletter; subscribers receive an email the moment they learn of a breach.

You can also sign up for many of my other newsletters, but Fraud & Security Alerts are only sent when a serious problem occurs. Stay up to date on hacks, viruses, and phishing attacks, no matter when or where they occur. Tap or click here to sign up for my free security and data breach alerts.

Get Disney+ and Apple TV+ for free

Q: All these streaming services confuse me so much. I just want to watch great shows, not trash. How can I try these services for free, especially Disney+ and Apple TV+?

A: Tech companies are vying for your loyalty and are using a tried-and-true tactic to attract new customers: free stuff. Yes, there’s almost always a catch, but with free stuff, the reward is worth it if you qualify.

For example, if you’re a Verizon subscriber, you can get a year of Disney+ for free. I’ll show you how to get the hottest streaming services, smart speakers, and even smart home tech for free. But you’ll have to hurry; these deals won’t last long. Tap or click here to get 7 free tech gadgets you can get now before it’s too late.

Secure your technology

Q: With all the tech gifts this year, I worry about hackers and scammers. How can I make sure my new gear is properly secured? Or am I just paranoid?

A: This holiday season, millions of people will rush to set up their devices, create accounts, and register their new gifts. They’ll be so eager to get their tablets, phones, streaming gadgets, and virtual assistants up and running that they’ll completely forget to check any security settings.

Some apps and devices, like smart TVs, are notoriously insecure. Others, like smart speakers, can build up a significant archive of voice recordings before you even realize it. Tap or click here to read 10 essential steps to secure your new devices.

Recover lost texts

Q: I made a huge mistake. I deleted a ton of text messages, but I need to recover them. Is it even possible to recover these messages?

A: If you’re an iPhone user, you can dig through iCloud and find the missing data, or do a factory reset and reset your phone to an earlier date. This can take some time, and you’ll need to estimate when the messages were deleted.

You may also lose more recent data, so you’ll have to decide how much those messages are worth to you. But whether you’re using an iPhone or Android, there are some apps you can use to keep your messages even if they’ve been deleted. Tap or click here to recover deleted text messages.

What questions do you have about digital lifestyle? Call Kim’s national radio show and tap or click here to find it on your local radio station. You can listen or watch The Kim Komando Show on your phone, tablet, TV or computer. You can also tap or click here to get Kim’s free podcasts.

Tags: Facebook tracking, technology