
Acteon Awarded O&M Work for Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm

The work started in spring 2024 for Grupo Cobra, which operates the 50-MW wind farm for Kincardine Offshore Windfarm Limited (KOWL), whose majority shareholder is DRAGADOS SA

Pulse, Acteon’s established brand specializing in structural monitoring, is spearheading the design, supply, and installation of cutting-edge structural health and motion monitoring systems for the floating wind turbines. The systems will include six-degree-of-freedom motion monitoring and position and heading sensors on the platforms, additional load strain gauges and data-connectivity infrastructure.

In parallel, 2H, Acteon’s renowned advanced systems engineering brand, is developing and implementing a structural response digital twin based on machine-learning techniques. As a solution that is seamlessly integrated with the monitoring systems, this digital twin will provide unparalleled insight into the asset response during operations, give an early indication of possible anomalies, and help optimise future inspection and survey activities. The operational data will also be an invaluable tool to enable asset life extension.

Over the course of the 18-month work, Acteon will collaborate closely with Grupo Cobra to advance digital twin technology and the project is part-funded by (Grant ID: 2021/C005/00149745), through the Spanish Recovery and Resilience Plan, funded by the European Union (Next Generation EU).

Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm, featuring five V164-9.5 MW turbines mounted on Principle Power WindFloat platforms, is one of the world’s largest operating floating wind farms. Positioned in water depths ranging from 60–80 meters, these turbines have been successfully generating clean energy since October 2021.

“With 80% of the world’s offshore wind resources in deep waters, floating turbines open new opportunities to harness clean energy,” says Juan Antonio López, Grupo Cobra O&M Manager. “Scotland is at the leading edge of floating wind developments. Kincardine demonstrates the readiness of floating wind, and Acteon’s work in helping us understand how the assets respond to real life operating conditions will be invaluable for managing this wind farm and providing the insight we need to improve future floating wind projects.”

“Providing an integrated monitoring and digital twin solution is vital,” says Tim Eyles, Vice President, Acteon. “Our technologies are specifically selected for dynamic floating wind assets. Our extensive long-term experience of structural monitoring and design of dynamic offshore assets will inform the digital twin response modeling and assessment of the floating turbines.”