
Water quality in the Netherlands: a complicated puzzle for the construction sector

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The Dutch construction sector is sounding the alarm over the poor water quality in ditches and rivers. This crisis not only threatens nature, but also housing. The approaching deadline for the Water Framework Directive in 2027 increases the urgency of the problem. Contamination with PFAS, microplastics and fertilisers is a serious problem. Wastewater treatment plants are struggling with the “invisible” pollution. Construction companies, nature conservation organisations and drinking water companies are calling for action together. They are advocating for stable groundwater levels, better water purification and climate-adapted construction. The solution requires cooperation between all sectors and innovative techniques.

The impact of poor water quality

The construction sector is seriously concerned about the consequences of polluted ditches and rivers for housing. PFAS, microplastics and fertilizer contamination not only have ecological consequences, but also complicate the issuance of building permits. This can lead to significant delays in construction projects, deepening the housing shortage.

Minister Barry Madlener is being urged by various parties to make water quality a top priority. Bouwend Nederland, Aedes and NEPROM stress that without improving water quality, construction projects could be halted. This is in addition to the existing challenges of the PFAS crisis and nitrogen issues.

PFAS affects both soil and water contamination, having a dual impact on the space available for construction. PFAS, known as “forever chemicals,” are difficult to remove. Scientists at the Wetsus Institute of Water Technologies have developed a method to remove and neutralize PFAS from water.

Agricultural pressure and derogation regulation

The lifting of the derogation regulation requires agricultural companies to reduce manure production more quickly. This puts additional pressure on farmers who are already struggling with manure problems. Agriculture Minister Wiersma has not yet proposed specific solutions, which creates uncertainty among farmers. This uncertainty delays addressing water pollution from fertilizers.

Innovative techniques and collaboration are essential to predicting and improving water quality. The PHARA project is developing a 3D phased array weather radar to better predict extreme weather. Hybrid AI models can help manage groundwater resources and predict pollution. These technologies can contribute to more robust water management and better preparedness for climate change.

Cooperation between sectors

The solution to the water quality crisis lies in the cooperation of all sectors. Construction companies, nature conservation organizations, drinking water companies and the government must work together to achieve stable groundwater levels and better water purification. Climate-adaptive construction and the use of green infrastructure are key to a sustainable future. Only through joint efforts can we improve water quality and future-proof construction projects.

Poor water quality in the Netherlands is a complex problem that requires urgent attention. The construction sector is calling for immediate action to prevent further delays in house construction. Innovative solutions and cross-sectoral cooperation are key to solving the challenges of the Water Framework Directive and contamination with PFAS, microplastics and fertilisers. It is time to make clean water a top priority to protect our nature, health and economy.