
Pioneering partnership installs reef cubes to increase marine biodiversity

The 14 cubes installed on May 15 will provide habitat for many marine species, increase biodiversity in port waters and engage the community on environmental impacts and the development of floating offshore wind farms.

The Gwynt Glas design team aim to maximize benefits where possible and align with the biodiversity-enhancing purpose of these reef cubes. The structure provides living space for fish, crabs and lobsters, and the porous surface allows marine plants to thrive.

Mark Hazelton, Gwynt Glas project director, said: “This initiative fits perfectly with our mission to drive sustainable innovation and maximize local benefits.”

Reef Cubes are designed to regenerate delicate marine ecosystems. By accelerating reef formation and ecosystem repair, important coastal installations can be protected and marine biodiversity promoted. They are produced from recycled aggregate and sand, a by-product of the mining industry.

Vicki Spooner, Environmental Manager at Falmouth Harbor, said: “We are delighted to have Reef Cubes installed in our harbour. As a custodian, the health and well-being of our local waters and their users is of paramount importance.

“We plan to work with the University of Exeter to monitor the impact of our new Reef Cubes and encourage the local community to witness how these structures are improving our environment by attracting marine life and plant growth in the months and years ahead.”

Rachel Lopata, co-founder of Sea-Changers, a national marine conservation charity supporting local organization Our Only World, commented: “This project, funded by Sea-Changers and managed locally by Our Only World, was made possible through a partnership with Gwyntem Floating Marine Glas wind farm.”

As part of raising awareness, the Gwynt Glas design team also works with local schools to educate students about the importance of the marine environment, biodiversity and renewable energy.

“By inspiring the next generation, we hope to foster a deep appreciation for our oceans and encourage future leaders to prioritize protecting them,” Hazelton said.