
The National Association of Grocery Manufacturers organizes annual flights to promote fair competition

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On May 22, almost 120 independent grocery stores will take part in over 100 meetings with decision-makers on key issues.

The National Grocery Association (NGA)The national trade association representing the independent supermarket sector launched its annual Fly-In for Fair Competition event on May 21 in Washington, DC. The event brings together independent food producers to engage directly with federal lawmakers on key issues such as antitrust and enforcement reform, SNAP Choice improvements, and credit card routing reform to reduce swipe fees.

“Fly-In for Fair Competition offers an unparalleled platform for independent grocers to directly influence policy decisions that significantly impact their day-to-day operations,” noted Greg Ferrara, president and CEO of Washington, D.C.-based NGA. “These important discussions will set the strategic direction for the coming year as the independent food sector tirelessly advocates for a more equitable market landscape that will ultimately benefit the diverse communities our members serve.”

(RELATED: NGA Urges Congress to Hold Hearings on FTC Report)

The event began with Rep. Cliff Bentz, R-Ore., speaking to attendees on a variety of topics relevant to independent grocers. Bentz is a member of the House Judiciary Committee and the Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform and Antitrust Law. Participants then listened to a session with Rep. Laurel Lee of Florida, a member of the House Judiciary Committee.

Other first-day sessions included “How to fine-tune your presentation to resonate with every member of Congress,” led by Brad Fitch, deputy director of the Congressional Management Foundation, and a discussion on effective policy advocacy led by NGA Chief of Government Relations and General Counsel Chris Jones, NGA Vice President of Government Relations Stephanie Johnson and Capitol Hill veterans to provide participants with the strategic insights and messaging techniques necessary to influence legislative action and achieve tangible results.

Attendees also heard from AB Stoddard, columnist for The Bulwark and contributor to SiriusXM’s POTUS Chennai, who provided an unbiased analysis of the current political landscape and upcoming elections.

On May 22, nearly 120 independent grocers will participate in over 100 meetings with decision-makers on the key issues listed above.

“Our members are committed to serving their communities, and through these advocacy efforts we want to ensure a level playing field for them,” Ferrara added. “This Fly-In is a testament to our commitment to promoting the issues that matter most to independent grocers and the consumers they serve.”

NGA members include retail and wholesale grocery stores located in every congressional district across the United States, as well as state grocery store associations, manufacturers and service providers.