
New research shows that Scots are expressing dissatisfaction with the government’s climate policy

NEW ICM research commissioned by the Plumbing Employers’ Federation of Scotland and Northern Ireland (SNIPEF) reveals significant dissatisfaction among the Scottish public over recent delays, cancellations and scaling back of climate change targets and policies by the Holyrood and Westminster governments.

Only 12% of Scots said they felt satisfied with the current pace of climate action, highlighting the significant public dissatisfaction in Scotland compared to the overall mood in the UK. Meanwhile, 45% of Scots expressed dissatisfaction with current climate policy, with 24% very dissatisfied and 21% dissatisfied.

Fiona Hodgson, chief executive of SNIPEF, commented on the survey results:

“These results should serve as a wake-up call to both the Holyrood and Westminster governments. The significant level of dissatisfaction among the Scottish public reflects growing concerns about our commitment to tackling climate change. The recent delays and rollbacks on climate policies are not only disappointing, but also undermine public trust and the future of our environmental sustainability.”

In Scotland, political turmoil has further complicated climate policy. The recent resignation of First Minister Humza Yousaf following the collapse of the coalition with the Scottish Greens highlights the instability. Yousaf’s decision to abandon key climate targets, such as reducing emissions by 75% by 2030, significantly contributed to the breakdown of the coalition, leading to his resignation and the appointment of John Swinney as the new First Minister.

“These policy changes and delays create uncertainty and hinder progress on our climate goals,” Hodgson added. “It is now vital that the Holyrood Government works with industry to create realistic targets and take decisive action to restore public trust and ensure a sustainable future. The dissatisfaction of the Scottish public is clear and it is imperative that we address these concerns with specific and coherent policy measures.”

The UK Government has also recently made several changes to climate and emissions policy, some of which have played a key role in achieving our legally binding emissions targets. These policy changes, combined with rumors of further delays and cuts, could threaten the UK’s ability to meet its international commitments under the Paris Agreement and its own net zero targets.

Additionally, the survey asked Scots whether they would support a further increase in government incentives for installing renewable energy in homes, such as solar panels or heat pumps, to help the nation meet its commitments to climate targets. The results show strong support, with 61% in favor14% were against and 26% were not sure.

“The strong support for increased government incentives for renewable energy installations underscores society’s willingness to adopt solutions that contribute to our climate goals,” Hodgson said. “It is imperative that the government listens to these voices and implements policies that facilitate the transition to sustainable energy.”

Impact on the profession of plumber and heat engineer

Changing targets and policy uncertainty have also had a profound impact on Scotland’s water, wastewater and heating industries. Industry professionals are expected to install new heating technologies such as heat pumps, but with changing government goals, many in the industry feel held back from investing in the necessary training, technology and workforce development.

“The plumbing and heating profession is crucial to achieving our climate goals, but a lack of coherent policy direction makes it difficult for businesses to commit to long-term investment,” Hodgson explained. “Our members are ready and willing to support the transition to renewable energy, but they need reassurance that the government will stay on course. Without this stability, it is difficult to justify the significant investment required in training and technology.