
New Era | Youth Tech Summit ends with a call to not apply the new tax to the technology sector

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On Wednesday, young entrepreneurs are participating in a day-long technology summit at the Krishibid Institution auditorium in Dhaka. | Press release

A day-long youth technology summit, a joint initiative of 14 organizations working with youth in the country, was held at the Krishibid Institution auditorium in Dhaka on Wednesday.

The main theme of this technology summit was the question: “Are we ready for artificial intelligence?”, as stated in the press release.

The main attraction of the event was a speech by 20 very young and successful entrepreneurs aged 25 to 35. Using new technologies, especially artificial intelligence, entrepreneurs have begun to make huge improvements in important sectors such as agriculture, health and education.

PRAN Group Chairman Ahsan Khan Chowdhury told the youth that they will create the future of the country. He informed that the PRAN Group is considering providing financial support to young entrepreneurs from the IT industry.

Fahim Mashroor, head of BdJobs, said: “Only young people can lead new technologies like artificial intelligence.” He stated that no new tax should be imposed on these entrepreneurs in the next budget.

Shamim Ahsan, managing director of e-Generation, told the government: “We don’t want subsidies or free money. We want an environment that encourages global competition.

For this purpose, he suggested to exempt taxes for the next three years and impose taxes gradually at an acceptable rate.