
Tents and the government’s asylum policy – ​​The Irish Times

Dear Sir – Three “tent city” cleaning campaigns have already taken place in Dublin. Each time, new tents are removed and new tents are immediately distributed to those who remain to start a new camp. The tents are distributed free of charge, but at the expense of the taxpayer, so where is the logic in garbage trucks repeating the same collection ritual every time? The first “tent city” was located on Mount Street, where there was no sanitation or services. It developed in February 2023 and was left for the St. Patrick’s Day cleanup in March 2024. We are now told that each of the new tent sites has been closed due to a lack of facilities, so why has the Mount Street campsite been left in place for 13 months?

The number of immigrants expected to be around 20,000 by the end of the year, so it doesn’t take a genius to predict what will happen. The government is now panicking.

The land of an open and warm welcome is now becoming history due to completely inadequate planning on the part of all those responsible for dealing with our immigration situation. – Yours etc.,


Dublin 16.

Dear Sir, – The situation on the banks of the Grand Canal is currently a recurring farce. Why was a metal fence erected to deter more tents when a small number of Gardaí could, as part of their duties, walk the banks and prevent more tents being placed there? Is there a community in Dublin that would generally be unhappy with the presence of an Garda Síochána on the ground? – Yours etc.,


Black Rock,

What Dublin.

Dear Sir – The government gives taxpayers’ money to many charities. Charities use this money to buy tents for asylum seekers.

The government and its agencies then destroy these tents.

Only in Ireland! – Yours etc.,


Dublin 6.