
New Jersey grapples with clean energy priorities

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New Jersey grapples with clean energy priorities

Hearings on the energy master plan result in conflicting visions

The Energy Master Plan hearing highlighted the Gem e6 on-demand electric shuttle, which is currently being used to address the lack of car ownership and transportation options in the state capital, Trenton.The Energy Master Plan hearing highlighted the Gem e6 on-demand electric shuttle, which is currently being used to address the lack of car ownership and transportation options in the state capital, Trenton.

The Energy Master Plan hearing highlighted the Gem e6 on-demand electric shuttle, which is currently being used to address the lack of car ownership and transportation options in the state capital, Trenton. | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection


Speakers directed the New Jersey Public Utilities Board to emphasize reducing emissions from heavy-duty and medium-duty trucks and addressing methane emissions in the next state energy master plan.