
SIDS4 Side Event: Accelerating a Just and Equitable Energy Transition in Small Island Developing States

Organized by Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Government of Barbados, the Government of Vanuatu and the UK FCDO, the event will showcase the potential to transform SIDS economies while ensuring access to sustainable energy and the transition to cleaner and more resilient energy systems. The theme of the event is “Revitalizing SIDS Economies for Accelerated and Sustainable Growth.”


Room 1, American University of Antigua, Jabberwock Rd, Osbourn, Antigua and Barbuda


Small Island Developing States (SIDS) strive to achieve a sustainable form of prosperity that is reflected in a healthy environment and sustainable development for all. However, these aspirations face serious challenges. Existence On the front lines of the fight against climate change, SIDS are experiencing the most serious impacts, in particular floods and severe storms. They they are also highly dependent on strategic imports, including fossil fuels for power generation and transport, which makes them highly vulnerable to external shocks. Transitioning to abundant domestic renewable energy sources is critical to increasing resilience while reducing carbon emissions in SIDS. Although SIDS has done it collective commitment to achieve 100% renewable energy in its energy mix by 2030 and net zero targets by 2050, the lack of access to financing and investment from private and public entities is a significant barrier. SEforALL and development partners, including the Commonwealth Secretariat, are working together to develop country-led, data-driven energy transition and investment plans and business cases to support SIDS in unlocking the finance and investment required to achieve a quick, just, equitable and safe energy transition.


The side event will build on lessons learned from developing Barbados’ Energy Transition and Investment Plan and explore emerging opportunities to support SIDS in identifying new clean energy transition pathways tailored to their unique situation and supporting them in meeting their energy commitments. Potential speakers may include government officials from Barbados, Vanuatu, Dominica and other SIDS, as well as the Commonwealth Secretariat (ComSec), the World Bank, UK FCDO and SEforALL.