
Digital Realty & Schneider: Sustainable Data Centers

In France, Digital Realty has committed to two 15-year wind power deals. Thanks to the cooperation with wpd, these agreements will ensure a reliable supply of renewable energy from small wind farms in Brittany and Hauts-de-France.

Wpd’s president for the French onshore market, Grégoire Simon, said: “We are proud to support our customers’ goals to reduce their carbon footprint. PPAs offer cost-effective and predictable energy supply solutions for companies looking to engage in the energy transition.

Together, these five PPAs represent 347 GWh of renewable energy, enough to power 200,000 European households per year. These projects will increase renewable energy resources across Europe, where Digital Realty’s operations are fully linked to renewable energy from 2020.

Sustainability at the heart of Digital Realty

Digital Realty is committed to expanding renewable energy and achieving sustainability goals. These include making 100% renewable energy available to customers, becoming carbon neutral for the data center portfolio in France between 2020 and 2030, and becoming carbon neutral for the entire portfolio in the EU by 2030 in line with the EU’s Pact on towards climate neutrality in data centers.