
FCC chairman proposes rule to disclose AI-generated content in political ads

The FCC wants you to know whether the political ad you saw contains images, video or audio created by a generative artificial intelligence system.

On Wednesday, FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel unveiled a proposal that would require disclosure of AI-generated content in political ads. This is an FCC statute, so if the rule is passed, it would apply to broadcasters, cable operators, satellite TV and radio providers, but not ads displayed on the Internet or social media.

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This rule also does not prohibit AI-generated content, but only requires disclosure. This would apply to both candidate announcements and broadcasts.

“As artificial intelligence tools become increasingly available, the Commission wants to ensure that consumers are fully informed about the use of this technology,” Rosenworcel said in a statement. “Today I shared a proposal with my colleagues that makes clear that consumers have a right to know when the political ads they see use artificial intelligence tools, and I hope they will act quickly on this issue.”

The FCC’s proposal comes months after President Biden’s fake news report shocked political observers in New Hampshire and was distributed via an automated phone call. Fake Biden discouraged voters from voting in the Democratic primary and encouraged them to “save your vote for the November election.”

The FCC, which also regulates robocalls, has already ruled that AI-generated robocalls are effectively illegal in a previous ruling, but the Commission is clearly concerned about the impact of AI on more traditional political advertising.

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