
Thursday’s newspapers: Decrease in the value of votes of no confidence, fewer abortions and king cranes | Yle News

In the first half of this year, the opposition submitted a total of five interpellations to parliament, i.e. questions to ministers leading to a vote of no confidence. According to researchers, the opposition’s proposals may lose weight if they continue at the current pace, writes the Uutissuomalainen news group.

In spring, the opposition submitted motions critical of the government’s policy regarding the national hospital network, economic and regional policy and the labor market. Last Friday, the Greens, SDP and the Left Alliance submitted an interpellation on the government’s climate and environmental activities.

Last autumn, the opposition tried to overthrow the government over its policies regarding local services and the future of young people.

The highest number of no-confidence motions ever recorded in parliament was in 1990, when the opposition tabled a total of nine motions.

Markku Jokisipilädirector of the Center for Parliamentary Research at the University of Turku, says that at this rate there could be more than ten such proposals this year, which would be a new record, and voters could have difficulty keeping up with what is happening.

Jenni Karimakia political scientist from the University of Turku told USU that it is a way to attract publicity, but if used too often it can be less effective.

“There has never been a case where the media did not report on an interpellation, but the more often the opposition does it, the less unique it becomes,” says Karimäki.

According to Markku Jokisipilä, the political ground is fertile for this type of game: “The dividing line between the government and the opposition is sharp and tense. “Besides, there are two completely different oppositions, which affects the number of interpellations.”

USU explains that by talking about two different oppositions, Jokisipilä is referring to the fact that SDP, the Greens and the Left Alliance are happy to cooperate, while the Center Party has turned to the Now Movement for support.

Interpellations are considered the opposition’s strongest tool, because after the debate, the parliament votes on a vote of confidence in the government.

These votes are usually just a formality, however, as the last time a government was defeated in a no-confidence vote was in the 1950s.

There is therefore no real danger of the collapse of the majority government, writes Uutissuomalainen.

More free contraception, less abortion

Helsingin Sanomat reports that abortions are becoming increasingly rare in the capital region, both among young women and in general.

According to the latest available statistics, a total of 1,312 abortions were performed among Helsinki residents aged 15–49 in 2022.

This is slightly more than a year earlier, but over the last five years the number of abortions has decreased by almost 15%.

Looking back on the decade, the change is even more dramatic and especially noticeable for young women.

The trend is the same throughout Finland and the metropolitan area, says HS.

Timo Lukkarinenmedical director of the health station of the city of Helsinki, emphasizes that this phenomenon is nationwide, so perhaps it is partly a change in the entire society.

“However, we would like to believe that this is a reflection of Helsinki’s long-term investment in the development of contraceptive services,” says Lukkarinen.

Free contraception has been widely available in Helsinki since 2018, especially for young women, but has expanded in recent years. In certain cases, free options are also available to Helsinki residents over the age of 25.

Overall, free contraceptives for young people are much more widely available across the country, according to trials by regional health services.

Summer pump prices

Taloussanomat reminds readers that just a few years ago, Finnish drivers were terrified by the skyrocketing prices of gasoline and diesel.

They say everything will change this summer. The price per liter of petrol and diesel is currently well below two euros.

As the newspaper points out, prices of gasoline and diesel oil at gas stations are largely determined by the crude oil market. A sharp increase in oil prices occurred in mid-April this year, when tensions between Israel and Iran reached an extreme escalation.

However, the situation in the Middle East has calmed down, which is also reflected in oil prices. The price of Brent crude oil in the North Sea, based on oil production in Norway and the UK, is currently at approximately the same level as at the beginning of February. The price per barrel is just over $80.

According to Tero LausalaDirector General of the Finnish Central Automotive Trade and Repair Organization (AKL), it looks like fuel prices will remain moderate for at least the next few months.

“At the moment, there are no visible geopolitical shocks that have caused price fluctuations from 2022. On the other hand, they usually come as a surprise,” Taloussanomat said.

The article also indicates that no changes in fuel taxation are planned in the near future. Next in line will be the government’s VAT increase, which will hit consumers only in the fall.

Stately birds

The crane is one of the largest and most spectacular – some might say most regal – birds in Finland and all of Europe. Once found mainly in remote wetlands, they are now a common sight almost everywhere in Finland.

The rural daily Maaseudun Tulevaisuus informs readers that the crane population has been increasing since the 1990s and that there are now an estimated 30,000 to 40,000 breeding pairs in Finland. Finland is one of the most important countries in the world for cranes, with most of the world’s approximately 200,000 cranes nesting in Fennoscandia and Russia.

The crane is an important bird in the culture of the Baltic Sea region. One ancient example is a Stone Age burial discovered in Estonia in which a child was taken on its final journey accompanied by the wings of a crane. The crane was long considered a sacred bird, although it was also hunted.

As the newspaper notes, coming across a crane while walking can be a truly exciting experience – first you hear a piercing scream in the distance, then suddenly a huge shadow falls from above as a pair of cranes silently glides over the trees.

And to add to the thrill, the profile of a crane in flight looks very similar to a pterosaur. In fact, writes MT, today’s birds are descendants of dinosaurs that once ruled the earth.

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