
Urgent government regulation needed to tackle misleading claims and added sugars in food sold to young children in the Philippines

MANILA, May 23, 2024— A study by UNICEF Philippines and the Consortium for Improving Complementary Foods in Southeast Asia (COMMIT) found that more than one-third of commercially produced packaged foods for children aged 6 months to 3 years in the Philippines contain added sugar or sweeteners. In addition, the use of potentially misleading and deceptive labels and the lack of strict government regulations regarding the composition and sale of products are widespread. This comes after the number of overweight children in the country has tripled since 2003, a “high” number by global standards.

The Philippines faces a triple burden of undernutrition, characterized by the simultaneous prevalence of stunting, wasting, micronutrient deficiencies, and a rapid increase in overweight and obesity among children.

“Children have the right to good nutrition. Without updated and enforced food laws to protect children, they will eat more unhealthy foods high in sugar and sweeteners. This may displace essential nutrients, harm dental health and cause them to prefer unhealthy foods later in life, leading to obesity and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and heart disease,” said UNICEF Philippines representative Oyunsaikhan Dendevnorov.

The COMMIT study evaluated a total of 182 infant cereals, purees, snacks and ready-to-eat meals marketed to infants and young children in the Philippines. The study showed that:

  1. More than one third of products sold contain added sugar or sweeteners.
  2. None of the product labels contained Filipino language, making it difficult for parents and caregivers to understand and interpret the information on the labels.
  3. Unhealthy products are advertised and promoted as suitable for consumption by young children aged 6 months to 3 years.
  4. Most foods fall within recommended sodium limits.
  5. Almost all dry or instant cereal products are fortified, but the level of fortification often does not meet recommended standards.
  6. A quarter of food products do not contain the recommended minimum age of use of at least 6 months.
  7. Only 2 percent of product labels mention the importance of continuing breastfeeding.
  8. Product labels often include claims about the product’s composition or nutritional content, such as “no artificial colors” and “100% natural.”

Commercially produced complementary foods are a common part of young children’s diets in the Philippines, with 83 percent of mothers in urban areas saying they provide these foods to their young children every day.

90 percent of mothers pay attention to product labels when making decisions. The factors influencing their choice are: a) nutritional value (84%); b) health information (83%); c) quality of ingredients (76%); d) mixture of ingredients (68%); e) with low or no added sugar (45%) and with low or no salt (44%). Only 26 percent of mothers said they provided commercially produced complementary foods for “nourishment” or “it’s good for their baby’s development,” the study found.

UNICEF and COMMIT partners call for:

  1. Improved government regulations for commercially produced complementary foods, including banning added sugar and sweeteners, limiting sugar and sodium content, and prohibiting misleading marketing and labeling.
  2. Close government monitoring and enforcement of national regulations on commercially produced complementary foods.
  3. Supporting parents in providing young children with a variety of nutritious foods by making healthy foods available at affordable prices, and helping them avoid deceptive marketing and labeling practices.