
AIMA and SEF government review

“Portugal had an institution, the institution was eliminated, its human resources were distributed among several institutions” – a decision criticized by several parties and organizations – Minister of the Presidency António Leitão Amaro told journalists who promised that during “next week” an announcement of measures for the sector, which includes “correction also in the institutional sphere”, without committing to maintaining AIMA.

Today the government is meeting with parties in parliament to hear proposals on migration as part of a review of the legislation it wants to bring forward.

“No party today supported the restoration of the SEF “as it existed,” also said a government official, faced with the possibility of returning to the previous model in which this institution controlled the borders, supervised entry and dealt with the legalization of immigrants in the country , with the now defunct High Commission for Migration responsible for the social integration policy of these communities.

Today’s meetings are part of a process of dialogue between the Government and parliamentary groups on a topic that is currently facing “serious difficulties” and which requires “effective responses” from the executive as it seeks to raise “contributions for better public policies”.

“These serious difficulties are largely the result of poor choices and poorly implemented or erroneous policies of the previous government,” which has left the country with a “heavy legacy” in the form of “an ill-prepared expiry of the SEF” and “situations that are untreated and unresolved.” , “a computer system for border control, especially the Portuguese air borders, which were in a situation before the collapse” and “the process of human integration to ensure housing conditions and access to services, the quality of life is also at stake,” he emphasized.

In statements to journalists, the minister once again committed to presenting a package of actions within the first 60 days of his duties: “we will have this migration plan within a few weeks.”

“Portugal needs immigrants, but Portugal needs effective rules and effective supervision, it must welcome them well and welcome them with humanity and integration,” and “we must take action to speed up ongoing processes,” the government official said.

Immigration quotas

At the end of one of the meetings with parliamentary groups, Chega MP Cristina Rodrigues stated that the government had shown “some openness” on setting immigration quotas, but Leitão Amaro denied this version.

“It was definitely a mess, because the government did not comment at any of the meetings and not a single word was said about the proposal to introduce quotas,” he said, emphasizing that this stage requires consultation with the parties.

Regarding the possibility of defining new rules for entry and termination of expressions of interest, as requested by several parties, Leitão Amaro admitted that “many actors in Portuguese society have mentioned this aspect.”

The ability for immigrants to apply for a visa to look for work, even if they come to Portugal as tourists, was one of the most controversial issues for critics of the previous socialist government.

“The way in which this was regulated and deregulated by the previous government is one of the decisions that has attracted the most criticism from those involved in the process,” contributing to “conditions that have led to the accumulation of 400,000 unresolved affairs”, said Leitão Amaro, who admitted that there was a need to “adapt” entry rules.