
This Morning’s Presentation on New Local Events Regulations – Pagosa Daily Post News Events and Videos for Pagosa Springs, Colorado

The Pagosa Springs Chamber will host an important informational meeting regarding changes to the fire code and food handling guidelines for both indoor and outdoor events.

The session will be held today, Thursday, May 23, from 9 – 10:30 a.m. at the Ross Aragon Community Center.

Currently, it is expected that an event will be initiated when more than 50 people are expected at the event and in the public space. Both agencies also have new event registration procedures.

Event coordinators, nonprofit agencies, event venue companies and food truck vendors are encouraged to participate.

Some information may be relevant to you or your event may not mean any changes; however, it’s always worth knowing! It is important that someone from your organization or company attends this meeting. Documentation containing these new guidelines can be obtained by contacting the Chamber Director at [email protected] or by calling Mary Jo at (970) 264-2360. Read these guidelines and be prepared for questions.

We are grateful to everyone who makes the effort to hold this meeting in person. If you cannot come in person, you will receive an invitation via Zoom. If you did not receive the Zoom link and would like to participate remotely, please contact Mary Jo.

Both larger indoor and outdoor events are becoming more and more popular. Events often influence traffic patterns, attract large numbers of participants, and require cross-agency collaboration. No event coordinator, company or nonprofit agency wants an incident to occur at their event. While there is now an additional level of paperwork, most agencies are already working to host safe events, and this additional guidance should not be an undue burden on work. If you have specific questions about how these guidelines will impact your event, it is important that your voice is heard at this meeting.

If you have questions, you can also direct them to Mary Jo via email. These questions will be forwarded to the appropriate agency and discussed at today’s meeting. Thank you for taking the time to review these new guidelines and how they may impact your event.

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The Pagosa Daily Post welcomes submissions, photos, letters and videos from people who love Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Call 970-903-2673 or email [email protected]