
The development of semiconductors may lead to the creation of cheap and flexible electronic devices

The development of semiconductors may lead to the creation of cheap and flexible electronic devices

Above are reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) images. The top two images show the germanium layer, while the bottom images show the gallium arsenide surface. Loan: Scientific reports (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-59686-0

Society’s appetite for affordable and efficient electronic devices continues to grow. While silicon-based semiconductors have played a key role in meeting this demand, wide band-gap semiconductors may be a better alternative. These materials, which operate at higher temperatures and withstand increased loads, are unfortunately very expensive.

The innovation described in the study published on May 2 this year Scientific reports, can help change that. The work was conducted by scientists from the University at Buffalo, Texas State University and TapeSolar Inc.

The study focuses on a manufacturing technique called epitaxial deposition, which involves precisely placing molecules on top of a crystal substrate so that they fit together perfectly.

In conventional semiconductors, machines epitaxially deposit thin layers of gallium arsenide on single-crystal gallium arsenide substrates. (These single-crystalline gallium arsenide layers have unique physical and electrical properties that are ideal for making high-performance semiconductor devices used in solar panels and many other electronic devices.)

In addition to being expensive, gallium arsenide substrates are only available in small sizes and are stiff, which means they do not conform to curved surfaces. Alternative fabrication methods—such as epitaxial peeling and direct wafer bonding—are promising, but their effectiveness has not yet been proven.

In the new study, the researchers used epitaxial deposition. However, instead of single crystal substrates, a single crystal-like germanium substrate was used, which is flexible and can be produced in a roll-to-roll manufacturing process. This process – similar to a printing press – is cost-effective and efficient.

In 2022, the same team reported the creation of single-crystal germanium substrates PNAS Nexus.

Scientists analyzed the new semiconductor gallium arsenide using X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy and photoluminescence spectrometry.

“These single-crystal-like gallium arsenide layers have the potential to be useful in many applications where large surface areas, flexibility, low weight and high performance are important,” says study co-author Dr. Amit Goyal, SUNY Distinguished Professor and SUNY Empire Innovation Professor in the Department of Engineering Chemical and Biological School of Engineering and Applied Sciences of the UB.

More information:
Gokul Radhakrishnan et al., Heterepitaxial GaAs thin films on flexible, large-area, single-crystal-like substrates for wide-ranging optoelectronic applications, Scientific reports (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-59686-0

Provided by the University at Buffalo

Quote: Semiconductor development could lead to low-cost, flexible electronic devices (2024, May 23), retrieved May 23, 2024 from

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