
Hot Springs unveils its second solar power plant

The city of Hot Springs unveiled its second solar power plant on Tuesday. The plant is part of the city’s efforts to power 100 percent of the city’s renewable energy sources.

The solar plant is a partnership between the city and Scenic Hill Solar, the largest solar developer in Arkansas. According to city officials, the new solar plant, combined with the old one, will power about 50 percent of the city’s operations, with the ultimate goal being 100 percent.

“It’s about Arkansas. We are a natural state, and because Hot Springs is a major tourist area, it is a first step for us as a leader in the state of Arkansas to incorporate 100% renewable energy into our municipal operations and others will take notice,” said Hot Springs Mayor Pat McCabe.

The new solar plant alone will produce more than 6.6 million kilowatts of electricity annually, or $600,000 worth of energy. According to the city, the plant will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 129,000 tons over the next 30 years.

The new plant will power the Hot Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant.

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