
The Renewable Energy Days conference will be held on June 12-14 in Pula, Croatia.

After five successful Fair Wind and Sunny Days conferences, this year all technologies were combined. Days of Renewable Energy Sources – Renewable Energy Days will be held in Pula on June 12-14 at the Park Plaza Histria hotel.

Under the patronage of WindEurope, SolarPower Europe and the European Biogas Association, the annual Renewable Energy Days event will be attended by experts from the public and private sectors and leading representatives of national and international institutions. The conference is organized by Renewable Energy Sources of Croatia.

Confirmed participants are WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson and SolarPower Europe CEO Walburga Hemetsberger.

The aim of the Renewable Energy Days 2024 (Dani obnovljivih izvora energije) is to discuss more effective ways of using renewable energy sources through joint discussions and exchange of knowledge and experience, thus encouraging stronger development of green projects.

The three-day event will include nine panels and lectures on topics such as public policies in the sector, technology development (wind, solar, geothermal, biogas and biomass), network modernization and simplification of administrative procedures, thermal and electrical energy storage and the future of hydrogen technology. As announced by Renewable Energy Sources of Croatia, discussions will include financing options for the project.

The green transformation has no alternative

You can complete the conference registration form here, after which you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing an offer to pay the registration fee, links to book hotel or apartment accommodation at discounted prices, additional optional content and other important information.

“The green transformation has no alternative. Join us to be part of the solution, as Croatia and the region can and must realize their significant renewable energy potential,” said the organizers.