
Kingston gets $847,000 for solar panels on First Avenue – Daily Freeman

Solar panel arrangement

KINGSTON, N.Y. – The city has received eight grants from the state Energy Research and Development Authority under the Clean Energy Communities Program totaling $847,000 for a city-wide solar installation, according to Mayor Steve Noble.

The eight grant awards will fund a project to install a ground-mounted solar array at 514-528 First Ave.

First Avenue Yard is a vacant city-owned lot that the Department of Public Works sought to level in preparation for the installation. Energy generated from over 400 photovoltaic panels will be used to remotely power over 300,000 kWh of city bills.

“This forward-thinking sustainability project aligns with our city’s goal of achieving 100% renewable energy while saving Kingston taxpayers money,” the mayor said in a statement. “We are grateful to NYSERDA for recognizing the importance of urban solar projects and helping Kingston continue to be a leader in progressive sustainability initiatives.”

Julie Noble, sustainability coordinator and project manager for the city, said the funding is an important step. The nobility is married.

“This funding truly moves us forward in achieving our goals for local energy production and energy independence,” Julie Noble said in a prepared statement. “This will be our largest-ever solar system in the borough and will demonstrate how seriously we take our goals, evaluate all options and work hard to make them a reality.”

After obtaining local approvals and entering into an agreement with the state agency, the city will issue a request for bids to select a contractor to install the ground-mounted solar array, which is expected to be installed in 2025, according to a news release.

“This funding was awarded to the city in recognition of years of leadership in implementing effective clean energy actions, including modernizing the city’s fleet to electric, converting city streetlights to LED, adopting the NYStretch Energy Code, and much more.” said in a press release.