
The clean energy sector will receive a £4.5 million boost

The ambition to make Cornwall a clean energy leader has been boosted by £4.5m of investment in a range of projects as part of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Good Growth Programme.

The strategic investment will accelerate Cornwall’s goal of maximizing floating offshore wind (FLOW) power generation opportunities in the Celtic Sea and position the region as a key player in the UK’s clean energy transition towards net zero emissions.

It will also complement other marine-related investments under the Good Growth Program, including £2 million for future eco-skills and a £973,000 study to assess potential opportunities at Falmouth Docks.

Council leader Linda Taylor said: “We are committed to a sustainable future and Cornwall’s drive towards net zero, which is why we are making targeted investments for good growth in high value, high growth sectors.

“Floating offshore wind (FLOW) has the potential to be a once-in-a-generation opportunity for Cornwall for supply chain, renewable energy, job opportunities and economic growth.

“We are strategically located for FLOW in the Celtic Sea and we welcome the opportunities it can bring to our residents in terms of job opportunities, economic growth and our sustainable future.”

FLOW has quickly proven essential to the UK’s plans to decarbonise its energy supply – with floating turbine platforms to be placed in the Celtic Sea between Cornwall, Pembrokeshire and as far as Ireland. This is why the creation of the Cornwall FLOW Commission was a key element of the Tier 2 Devolution Agreement secured by Cornwall Council last November.

The Crown Estate has designated maritime areas where the first 4.5 GW of FLOW technology will be implemented by 2035. This is enough electricity to power over three million homes, with a declared capacity of another 12 GW by 2045.

Supporting the construction and operation of Celtic Sea FLOW could provide a significant economic boost to the region, creating thousands of jobs. The resulting energy could play a major role in decarbonizing existing industries, providing an abundance of clean, green electricity. It could also provide green energy at lower costs to industries that can play a key role in the UK’s energy transition, including Cornwall’s emerging tech metals and mining sector, which is itself the subject of strategic investment under the Good Growth Program in January 2024.

The announced Good Growth investment will support five key projects to develop and deploy infrastructure for this exciting emerging industry, including:

  • a £3.2 million project to renovate the Penzance Dry Dock which will protect this important marine engineering asset for Cornwall, retaining valuable skills and jobs and developing capacity within a key piece of supply chain infrastructure to meet the demands of the FLOW sector . The Good Growth Program is investing £2.02m in the project to equip the facility – founded in 1815 – with modern equipment, improve the efficiency of existing infrastructure and associated investment in an in-house skills and training center – Penzance Dry Dock Skills Academy . Penzance Dry Dock – which in its heyday as Holman’s shipyard employed over 200 people – has exciting ambitions to become an engineering powerhouse again. It develops primarily from its ship repair business, supporting many market areas including shipbuilding, mass production and training and skills development.
  • As Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (CIOS) is positioned for large-scale development in the Celtic Sea, the Cornwall FLOW Commission (CFC) will play a strategic role in the development of the sector, focusing on driving CIOS’ readiness to maximize the benefits of a one-time leveling of opportunities for a generation worth £19 billion at your fingertips. The £1.26 million project led by Celtic Sea Power is supported by £1 million from the Good Growth Programme. The wide-ranging scope of the project will include the formal establishment of the Cornwall FLOW committee, working to develop a streamlined maritime development consent system and playing a key role in planning the essential electricity network upgrades to be implemented in Cornwall. Its goals also include planning key infrastructure investments, developing the workforce and skills, and building supply chain capacity.
  • Falmouth-based TUGDOCK has pioneered patented modular floating dock technology designed to revolutionize offshore floating operations. The Good Growth Program has invested £932,859 in a £1.33 million project to develop a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility and dedicated workspace for R&D engineers for TUGDOCK in Cornwall. This will enable in-house production and increased productivity, accelerating the company’s global growth. TUGDOCK is seen as a key supply chain company that will accelerate the development of the floating offshore wind industry. It has already established strategic partnerships with many of the leading offshore renewable energy development companies around the world, and its technology has been implemented in the first floating wind farm in France. The new R&D workspace will focus on advancing TUGDOCK technology, exploring sustainable materials and automation processes, and supporting collaborations with academic institutions to remain at the forefront of clean sea innovation. The project will create a pipeline of high-skilled jobs in Cornwall, promoting long-term economic growth in the region.
  • Falmouth Harbor Development – FLOW marshalling area is a £1 million project supported by a £502,500 Good Growth Program investment to create quaylay facilities for the floating offshore wind sector. The project, part-funded by A&P Falmouth, will create approximately 30,000 m2 of storage space at Falmouth Docks between the Counties and Duchy Wharfs for the growing FLOW market. It aims to ensure that the Falmouth docks meet the deadline for the first developer (Twin Hub) to arrive in the Celtic Sea and produce renewable energy by 2027. FLOW developers need sites in ports with significant space to deploy components close to large quays to allow access for jack-up vessels and other construction vessels. As part of the project, approximately 10,000 m2 of disused sheds will be demolished and the space created has been modeled in collaboration with developers FLOW to ensure it is suitable for its intended purpose. This key piece of infrastructure will ensure that the Port of Falmouth remains a strategically important economic asset for Falmouth and Cornwall, including FLOW’s local assembly, maintenance and operations facilities, as well as wider supply chain benefits for local businesses.
  • The University of Plymouth is leading a feasibility study into the potential development of the Celtic Offshore Mooring and Anchoring R&D Center (COMAC), which is supported by a £100,000 investment from the Good Growth Programme. The center, to be built in Cornwall, would play a key role in the expected expansion of floating offshore wind technology off southwest England. The feasibility study, scheduled for completion in March 2025, is being led by Professor Lars Johanning from the university’s Center for Decarbonization and Marine Renewable Energy in collaboration with Reflex Marine Ltd, Celtic Sea Power and Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult. The university is home to many of the UK’s leading marine renewable energy experts and facilities. It will develop a business case for the new COMAC centre, identify potential locations and any planning constraints and outline how these can be successfully delivered. It will also explore how the facility could support local FLOW businesses to develop new products and technologies and create valuable jobs in the area.

The total investment of £4.55 million to support Cornwall’s clean energy sector through the Good Growth Program is funded by the UK government’s Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF). Cornwall has been awarded £132m of SPF funding over three years, with investment decisions made at a local level and focused on inclusive, green growth.