
The North Carolina Board of Public Universities is voting to repeal a policy that likely reduces diversity-related jobs

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) – The North Carolina System Council of Public Universities voted Thursday to rescind its nearly five-year-old diversity, equity and inclusion policy, meaning 17 schools will likely join other major universities in cutting diversity programs and jobs.

The 24-member University of North Carolina Board of Governors approved its agenda, which included the repeal of its diversity policy, with two members voting against the repeal. Changes to the campus are expected to take place at the beginning of the next school year.

UNC System President Peter Hans stated during his meeting that students and faculty should have the opportunity to confront “competing ideas,” but it is the role of public universities to remain neutral toward “political controversies.”

“No one can speak on behalf of the entire university community on controversial issues, because the university does not have one opinion on any issue,” Hans said.

System policy change focuses on removing the 2019 regulation it sets out various DEI positions — such as diversity officers throughout the university system — and also outlines officer responsibilities, such as assisting with diversity programming and managing training for staff and students.

The new policy includes compliance with state and federal nondiscrimination laws, a commitment to free speech and academic freedom, and a requirement to uphold institutional neutrality, which prevents the university system from taking positions on political topics being discussed.

This does not include specific duties officers and DEI liaisons, suggesting they could be eliminated. The university system’s document on the policy states that it is not intended to reduce job positions, but some positions may be made redundant.

This policy will not affect classroom teaching or university research, nor will it eliminate student organizations or cultural centers, in accordance with the university system. It initially passed through the university’s governing committee last month in less than four minutes without discussion.

After the vote, Hans told reporters that the new policy would likely mean DEI staff would change their positions and responsibilities to comply. He also predicted that there would be legal guidelines this summer to ease the transition.

Additional funds originally intended for DEI offices will go toward “student success initiatives,” the system said. Hans said the board will trust university presidents to reinvest resources, but those initiatives will not include police and public safety, an area of ​​funding that the board of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the system’s flagship university, has decided to move millions of DEI funds from next year’s budget to.

Hans said last week’s decision violated the Board of Governors’ budget policy.

The system’s legal counsel advised the university board that it could not make line-item changes, such as DEI cuts, in the university’s budget, but “chose to ignore that advice,” he said.

Council Budget Chairman Dave Boliek said in an interview last week that budget cuts had been under consideration for almost a year.

“There is no reason why we, as members of the university’s trustees, cannot signal that the university must move in this direction. I feel good about it,” said Boliek, who also said won the Republican primary for the state auditor last week.

More definitive plans to reduce DEI funding were made at least as late as late March, according to UNC public records obtained by The Associated Press. In an agenda sent to another administrator ahead of last month’s Board of Governors meeting, university President Chris Clemens wrote that a plan was needed to remove at least $1 million from the university’s DEI budget.

Feedback provided to the UNC Board of Governors ahead of the vote was largely limited to a submission form on its website, which closed on Thursday. As of Monday, more than 250 people had submitted public comments — most of them alumni, according to public records from the University of North Carolina.

Just 13 people expressed support for a potential repeal, while most of the rest expressed opposition. Commenters included students who shared how they had benefited from the university’s diversity programs and parents who said they would not send their child to UNC if the policy changed.

About 35 protesters from schools across the system gathered outside the UNC System Office in Raleigh to oppose the policy’s repeal, and at one point tried to enter the building. A UNC system spokesman said two people were arrested.

“Despite their best efforts, we have not been silenced and we will not be silenced,” Nathaniel Dibble, a member of the Young Democratic Socialists of America at North Carolina State University, said before the vote.

Sonja Phillips Nichols, one of four black board members, told reporters she voted against repealing the bill because of people’s concerns that they were not heard by the governing body.

DEI has become one of the most controversial issues on college campuses in recent years as conservatives say the practice can lead to discrimination. But advocates say diversity initiatives do the opposite, ensuring minority students and faculty are included in the university community.

In another place University of Florida and University of Texas at Austin both announced job cuts for diversity staff this year. At least more broadly 20 states I have seen Republican proposals to restrict public diversity and inclusion programs.

North Carolina Senate President Phil Berger, whose chamber along with the House elects voting board members, said Thursday that DEI policy is “totally different from the average person’s understanding of the need for diversity, equity and inclusion.”

“The concerns that are being expressed about DEI — not just in North Carolina, not just at North Carolina universities — but across the country are valid concerns,” he told reporters before the vote.

House Speaker Tim Moore also told reporters Wednesday that he fully supports the repeal, but if it appears there is “more work to be done” on DEI, the General Assembly could consider further action.


Associated Press writer Gary Robertson in Raleigh contributed to this report.