
Asylum seekers will have their daily means to cover their expenses checked under the new rules

For asylum seekers receiving a daily allowance to cover costs, their payments will be means tested under new plans due to be introduced next month.

A new opinion issued by the government details the plans amid government concerns that some employed asylum seekers are continuing to claim benefits.

If an applicant for international protection is living in accommodation provided by the International Protection Accommodation Service (IPAS) or is on a waiting list for accommodation while awaiting a decision on the application, he or she is entitled to a daily allowance of EUR 38. €80 per week for an adult and €29.80 per week for a child.

If a person does not have accommodation and is on the IPAS accommodation waiting list, an increased rate of €113.80 per week per adult applies.

In response to the measures, the chief executive of Limerick-based human rights and migrant support group Doras warned they would push more people into poverty.

John Lannon told RTÉ News at One that the measure was causing anxiety and worry and would ultimately cost the country more as people were pushed into poverty.

“It’s quite a sudden announcement. This is already causing anxiety. This will push more people into poverty. People who came here seeking asylum are now struggling to make ends meet. They are marginalized and often defenseless. They are at risk of exploitation.

“There will be even more people across the country who will be unable to afford basic living expenses, and families will be most affected by the proposed change. If we think about a family where one earner receives €125 a week, let’s say with three children, no child benefit is paid to them because people covered by the system are already excluded from this benefit. “They will feel it especially strongly in September, when children return to school.”

Lannon pointed out that the measure was introduced without consultation.

“Those of us who work in this sector know that asylum seekers are already struggling to survive. And if you look at people, especially in remote centers, there are additional costs that are not taken into account.

He said there are transportation costs, getting to and from work and medical costs. “125 euros is not too far. Therefore, this threshold is far too low for discontinuing the daily allowance payment.

“I would certainly have to ask the Minister what is the motivation for this sudden move?”

He said this is a decision that will push more people into poverty and incur other costs not only for those affected but also for the state. “We would now call on the government to at least postpone this decision until a proper impact and savings analysis has been carried out.”