
Over £1 million to support the hospitality sector

But should the Prime Minister have presented the plans to politicians before the announcement?

The Prime Minister faced heavy criticism after a backbench leader described his behavior at Tynwald as an “absolute disgrace”.

Arbory, Castletown and Malew MHK Jason Moorhouse accuses him of failing to properly answer the starred question.

A question marked with an asterisk is a “priority” question that must be answered before all other questions at the House of Keys and Tynwald meetings.

He asked “what options had been considered to support the hotel and catering sector.”

Alfred Cannan told his political colleagues that they would have to wait until the press release was distributed.

As a result, Mr. Moorhouse asked what the point of Tynwald was:

Radio Manx asked Mr Cannan to respond to Mr Moorhouse’s comments.

This press release has already been published.

The government is unveiling what it calls a “series” of new measures to support the hospitality and retail industries.

These include a temporary financial assistance program, which is only available for the two weeks of the TT agreement, and a centralized information hub that brings together all existing programs into one online platform.

Questions & Answers:

How much money is allocated for this?

Ministers are unsure of the total expenditure as it will depend on its use.

The money comes from the Economic Strategy Fund and it is estimated that the offer will total over £1,000,000.

How can companies need help during the TT period, isn’t it their most lucrative period?

This is not direct financial support for enterprises, the assistance is aimed at individual employees.

The government has previously said it would be “inappropriate” and “unfair” to provide financial support directly to specific companies.

The aim is to encourage people to consider working longer or taking up a second job.

What can people participating in the program expect?

The government is providing £50 for every 10-hour block someone signs up for, but to be eligible they will already have to have worked 37 hours this week.

The maximum benefit amount is £100 a week or £200 over a fortnight, and the money will be paid on top of what they already earn.

These measures include extending the seasonal workers initiative and encouraging worker relocation, but have there been recent delays in visa applications?

The Treasury apologized for delays in processing visas, which were explained by a significant increase in the number of visa applicants.

However, the minister promises that priority will be given to applications considered “time-critical” and related to the hotel and catering sector.

Meet the ministers:

The measures were introduced following a call to arms from the hospitality industry, with bosses demanding VAT reforms and new measures to tackle the lack of available workers.

Then, a series of extraordinary talks took place with the Department of Entrepreneurship and Treasury.

Ministers Tim Johnston and Alex Allinson met with Manx Radio’s Christian Jones to discuss the plans: