
Spotify Car Thing has gone off the rails – and fans are absolutely furious that someone is blocking it

Spotify’s dedicated car controller, Car Thing, will soon become No Thing – or Bricked Thing, if you prefer. Spotify’s short-lived hardware adventure ended in 2022 when the popular music streaming platform discontinued Car Thing and is now emailing buyers that their devices will stop working completely on December 9. “We understand this may be disappointing,” Spotify says – and that seems like an understatement.

While Spotify effectively tells you to throw your Car Thing in the trash (once you do a factory reset and find an e-waste recycling place to drop it off), there are growing calls to use it on an open-source basis so that volunteers can continue to support it . Disgruntled owners are taking to Reddit and Spotify communities to express their concerns and annoyances, but so far their pleas seem to be falling on deaf ears.