
Spotify announces that it is making Car Thing gadget worthless for everyone

Spotify was briefly a hardware manufacturer, releasing the Car Thing gadget, a device that served as a remote control for Spotify and could be connected to the car’s air vents.

Spotify Announces Everyone's Car Thing Gadget Becomes Worthless 156556615


Car Thing was not a success because the $90 product was only available for five months after passing an invitation-only test in April 2021 and then a public waiting list to purchase it. General sales of Car Thing began in February 2022, and less than five months later the product was discontinued.

While it initially seemed like a good idea, Car Thing eventually became a smartphone remote for Spotify, which significantly reduced the number of users interested in it. However, it still reached a very niche audience.

Unfortunately, Spotify is now advising Car Thing owners to factory reset their device and dispose of it responsibly as a company. As of December 9, 2024, Car Thing will cease operation.”and it will stop working“.Spotify wrote in his FAQ on its website that it is discontinuing Car Thing as part of an ongoing effort to improve our product offerings.” Spotify candidly notes that there will be no next-gen Car Thing.

There are currently no plans to release a replacement or new version of Car Thing,” – writes Spotify

Spotify is not offering any refunds or any subscription credits to people who purchased Car Thing, and after December 9, the device will remain dead. Instead, Spotify recommends that buyers dispose of Car Thing responsibly.