
Hopewind highlights its commitment to sustainability and innovation in its 2023 ESG report

Hopewind, a leading global provider of renewable energy solutions, has published its 2023 ESG report. The report demonstrates the company’s unwavering commitment to environmental, social and governance sustainability.


Management and integrity


Hopewind Electric has reaffirmed its commitment to integrity and effective governance by establishing a robust ESG governance structure. The company’s Board of Directors and ESG Management Committee have played a key role in overseeing strategic decisions and ensuring compliance with ESG standards, contributing to the company’s continued growth and industry leadership.


High-quality innovation and development

Hopewind has made significant investments in research and development, allocating over three hundred and twenty million Chinese yuan to support technological innovation. This resulted in the successful commercialization of cutting-edge products, such as a 385 kW photovoltaic inverter. These advancements reflect the company’s steadfast focus on quality and innovation, which is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Ecological activities and environmental management

Hopewind is at the forefront of environmental stewardship, achieving zero emissions during the reporting period. The company’s Suzhou manufacturing center, boasting an annual photovoltaic power generation capacity of 1,391,260 kWh with internal consumption of 1,124,519 kWh, exemplifies Hopewind’s commitment to green and sustainable development. Efforts to save energy, adopt clean energy and mitigate climate change have earned Hopewind the esteemed “Green Factory” status in Jiangsu Province.

Quality management

By investing twenty million four hundred and forty thousand Chinese yuan in quality control, Hopewind obtained the ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certification. A team of 105 members set 30 main quality goals, achieving an overall success rate of over 95%. The company’s comprehensive quality management system covers business operations, R&D, supply chain and market services, using an advanced MES system to accurately monitor the product life cycle from suppliers to transportation management.

Attracting talent and developing employees

Hopewind boasts 2,384 employees who prioritize attracting and developing talent. The company provides extensive training programs totaling over forty-one thousand, four hundred and fifty-five hours. Hopewind’s focus on employee well-being and career development is evident in its comprehensive social welfare system and various employee engagement activities.

Supporting collaboration and standard formulas

Hopewind actively cooperates with prestigious national universities such as Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, combining practical knowledge with student resources to develop talents. The company has played a key role in establishing a total of 44 national and industry standards, including 10 national standards, 33 industrial and group standards, and 1 corporate standard. These efforts promote collaboration and leadership in setting industry benchmarks and drive innovation and sustainable growth in the new energy sector.

Community development and philanthropy

Hopewind Electric actively engages in social welfare activities, donating approximately four hundred and twenty thousand Chinese yuan to support education and community development. The company’s initiatives reflect its philosophy of giving back to society and supporting harmonious coexistence.

Health and safety

Hopewind places the highest priority on the health and safety of its employees, as evidenced by its ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification. The company has recorded zero work-related fatalities and has implemented a number of measures to ensure a safe working environment.