
The Welsh Government is seeking views on its vision for the cultural sector

The Welsh Government has launched a consultation setting out its vision for the cultural sector, from national organizations to grassroots projects.

The Cultural Priorities project for 2024-2030 focuses on three main priorities:

  • Culture connects us
  • Nation of Culture
  • Culture is resilient and sustainable

These priorities are supported by 20 ‘ambitions’ which include making culture accessible to everyone in Wales, building relationships at home and abroad through culture and helping the sector to thrive now and in the future.

The Welsh Government said the draft priorities apply to the entire cultural sector in Wales, from national organizations to grassroots projects, stating that they all “contribute to our rich cultural landscape”.

It said the consultation also applies to all other public sector organizations that deliver the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act goal of a Wales of vibrant culture and a thriving Welsh language.

Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice Lesley Griffiths presented the strategy during a visit to Hijinx in Cardiff, a theater specializing in working with disabled and/or autistic artists. Their work is consistent with the first assumption of the new priorities project, which focuses on the importance of removing barriers to participation in culture.

She said:

“Culture is an incredibly powerful tool that brings us all together, ensures social justice and strengthens our national identity. I am determined that the financial challenges we currently face should not limit our long-term ambitions.

“The draft priorities take full account of these challenges, but also look to the future, setting direction and articulating how we can harness the talent, creativity and collaboration we have in our sector. We want to hear from citizens through consultations to ensure a successful and resilient future for our cultural sector.

“It is vital that we offer the right strategic framework for our sector going forward and we are committed to regularly reviewing priorities. The consultation period is a key opportunity for all interested parties to make their views known. We will consider every answer. I encourage everyone to get involved.”

Consultations on Cultural Priorities: 2024-2030 are now open and will end on Wednesday, September 4.

To view the consultation and provide feedback, please visit the website Here