
Launch of the Solar Plus storage microgrid with a capacity of 3 MW at the Biofuels Plant

A $12 million, 3-MW solar and storage microgrid was commissioned at the Aemetis ethanol plant in Keyes, California.

The system will reduce the amount of electricity required by the plant during times of peak demand. Solar energy generated during the day will be stored in the system’s battery, allowing Aemetis to shift its use to later in the day when grid prices are higher.

Aemetis, a Cupertino, California-based renewable natural gas, renewable fuels and biochemicals company, will own and operate the system, which also includes an artificial intelligence-based energy management system.

The microgrid, which aims to maximize energy production and minimize energy costs, was funded in part by an $8 million grant from the California Energy Commission.

Decarbonization of the manufacturing sector

Aemetis produces 65 million gallons of ethanol annually at its Keyes facility. Byproducts of the ethanol production process, such as wet still grain and distiller’s corn oil, are sold as animal feed to 80 local dairies.

“This large, integrated solar and battery storage system is a key step in the conversion of the Keyes ethanol plant to renewable natural gas electricity,” said Eric McAfee, president and CEO of Aemetis.

The system will help the company achieve its goal of reducing natural gas consumption by 90% by 2025, according to the company’s website.

Eric Potts, vice president of TotalEnergys Renewables USA, said the microgrid is a good example of “how the manufacturing sector can play a key role in decarbonizing energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in California.”

TotalEnergys developed, built and launched the system, and also provided the photovoltaic technology. The electrical equipment and battery storage were provided by Schneider Electric.

Aemetis is also developing a biorefinery for sustainable jet fuel and renewable diesel in California. It plans to use renewable hydrogen, hydroelectric power and renewable oils to produce low-emission renewable jet fuel and diesel.