
Letter | Emissions regulations needed to fight climate change | Letters to the editor

Dear Editor: Children and future generations face an uncertain and dangerous future, caused in part by global warming and climate destabilization.

The burning of fossil fuels (coal, gasoline, diesel and methane) is the main cause of climate change and air pollution. The burning of fossil fuels emits huge amounts of greenhouse gases. The increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) in the atmosphere causes global warming by limiting the flow of heat to space and accumulating thermal energy on Earth.

Heat accumulation not only causes higher temperatures, but also destabilizes the climate, causing more wildfires, droughts, floods and heat waves. In Maricopa County (Phoenix, Arizona), 76 people died from heat stroke in 2013, 61 in 2014 and 645 in 2023, taking a bitter toll from fossil fuel-induced global warming.

Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency created new regulations to reduce greenhouse gas pollution. The new regulations apply to power plants burning coal or methane and are aimed at reducing carbon dioxide and methane emissions. I support these actions to reduce these emissions because they will make our climate and air healthier.

Click here to learn about the harmful health effects of climate change.

Bruce Krawisz


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