
European Data Protection Authorities Eye OpenAI’s ChatGPT

Task Force on the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) published report which will guide Member States’ data protection authorities when conducting investigations OpenAIchatbot, ChatGPT.

The report provides preliminary views on certain aspects of the investigations, but does not prejudge what determinations will be made by each data protection authority, The EDPB stated on Friday (May 24): press release announcing the publication of the report.

The investigation focuses on ChatGPT’s compliance requirements According to the announcement, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The release said the investigations include the legality of training data collection for ChatGPT, data transparency and accuracy.

Reuters noted on Friday that the report indicated that ChatGPT was not meeting data accuracy standards required to comply with EU data rules.

“While the measures taken to ensure compliance with the principle of transparency are beneficial and avoid misinterpretation of ChatGPT results, they are not sufficient to ensure compliance with the principle of data accuracy…” the EDPB task force report said.

The task force added in the report that the approach to training the model could lead to bias or fabrication exits; that ChatGPT results are likely to be perceived as factual by users; and that data accuracy is one of the guiding principles of the GDPR.

OpenAI did not immediately respond to PYMNTS’ request for comment.

EDPR that connects European citizens privacy regulatorsestablished a task force to deal with ChatGPT in April 2023, after Italy decided to regulate the chatbot issue.

The German data protection commissioner then suggested that other companies could follow suit, and the Spanish watchdog also announced a preliminary investigation into possible data breaches by ChatGPT.

Italy banned method of use GPT chat ended privacy concerns but done will be available again in the country in April 2023, after OpenAI determined it complied with the national data protection authority’s requirements.

A few weeks earlier, Italy became the first Western country to ban the method chatbot after the country’s data protection authority announced an investigation into ChatGPT’s alleged violation of GDPR privacy rules and age verification practices.

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