
The Tribunal overturned European Commission regulations that imposed restrictions on candidates for the Senate

These regulations included limiting the presentation of a candidate to a maximum of two A4 pages, the method of presentation in electronic form and a ban on candidates being artists or media workers.

The court ordered the repeal of provisions No. 7, 8 and 11, section 2, 3 by IN regarding the presentation of candidates for the Senate in the Senate elections in 2024.

This ruling is a response to a complaint filed by, among others, Tewarit Maneechaieditor of Prachatai news agency i Panas Tassaneeyanonformer rector for Thammasat Universitytogether with others, against these EC regulations, considering them unconstitutional because they impede public participation guaranteed by the Constitution.

EC Regulation No. 7 on the nomination of candidates for the Senate in the 2024 elections, issued on April 26, provided that introductory documents cannot exceed A4 format. These documents may contain personal data, photos of candidates, education or professional experience, but are limited to a maximum of two pages in length.