
New transmission lines will produce solar energy and cleaner air in the Central Valley

A report from the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies (CEERT) shows that new power line designs and faster permitting could make the San Joaquín Valley a solar power center in California and help residents breathe a little easier.

According to the report, the state must accelerate the construction of power lines to meet its goals of delivering more than 85 gigawatts of clean energy by 2034 (enough to power 64 million homes or fully charge 765,000 electric vehicles).

The problem is that the average review and approval time for a single transmission project in California is 836 days, or more than two years.

CEERT and a coalition of advocates are calling on Governor Newsom and the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), the entity that oversees 80% of the state’s electricity flow and manages power lines, to speed up permitting and reduce the backlog of projects awaiting approval.

Failure to do so, advocates say, will jeopardize California’s transition to a zero-emission economy.

The issue is of particular concern in the Central Valley, which has some of the worst air quality in the country and is expected to nearly double the number of triple-digit heat days by 2050. More heat waves and less ability to generate clean energy on clogged power lines could spell disaster for San Joaquin Valley residents.

Power outages can be deadly, leaving residents without cooling devices and medical equipment. Increased demand for electricity for refrigeration means the state will run more fossil fuel power plants, which creates more air pollution and heat-trapping gases.

Worse still, clogged or insufficient power lines also mean that solar energy generated in the Central Valley is more susceptible to shutdowns and wastage, a so-called limit. The report points out that Fresno now has nearly a quarter of clean energy restrictions statewide.

Correspondingly, Fresno also has the most interconnection requests for solar and battery storage projects anywhere in the state. These critical clean energy projects could be significantly delayed if the state fails to act.

Fortunately, the Central Valley’s agricultural history can peacefully coexist with its clean energy future. The report recommends prioritizing uncultivable land for solar and battery projects, and previous reports cited research from the University of California, Davis, which showed that solar and food harvests could be successfully combined into a single location (called . “agrivoltaics”).

While protecting agricultural land is a priority, extreme heat and drought will pose a threat to this industry in the long term. New transmission and clean energy projects in the region could provide well-paying jobs for farmers looking to make the transition.

Huron Mayor Rey León said that “the report, along with years of on-the-ground work by advocates and community members, creates a new economic vision for the San Joaquín Valley.

“Our region’s proud agricultural heritage and hard-working farmers help feed the world. Now is the time to invest in a future that will bring greater prosperity to the region and help fuel the clean energy revolution, while empowering the communities that made it possible.”

The report concludes with a set of recommendations, including that transmission cable and planning priorities should be located in the San Joaquín Valley, where significant amounts of solar and battery projects are expected to occur. It also calls for community involvement in the planning process to ensure projects are equitably located and benefit all residents.

Since more than 55% of San Joaquín Valley residents live in disadvantaged communities, the report’s authors emphasize that they are the first to benefit from clean energy transmission under community benefit agreements.