
“All energy production has a price”

Many people who oppose the benefits of renewable resources believe in the common financial myth that clean energy is too expensive and unprofitable for individuals and households. Some also argue that investing in clean infrastructure is equally harmful to our environment.

However, TikToker Sarah (@electrify_this) posted a video explaining why there is no point in emphasizing the latter point when dirty energy sources require similar costs and cause enormous damage to our planet. As she wrote in the caption: “Every energy production has a price. We just have to choose the one that is least harmful to the environment.”

@electrify_this All energy production has a price. We just have to choose the least worst for the environment. . . #electrification #renewable #renewable energy #climate change #electrification #decarbonization ♬ original sound – Electrify_this

The video began with the expert addressing frequent comments about what she receives from people questioning the costs of solar panels, batteries, wind turbines and other sustainable energy sources. She said she thinks people should be equally concerned about coal, gas and nuclear power plants.

“It all costs something; resources are needed to produce them. But there’s a difference: in a coal or gas power plant, you always have to put something in, throw something into it to fuel it, and then burn it, which has a harmful effect on the environment as you go, throughout your life, building it, burning it, and finally getting rid of it.” – she explained. “All this has its price throughout its existence. (…) The same applies to a nuclear power plant, the huge resources for its construction, and nuclear waste is generated.”

She further explained that clean energy sources do not raise the same concerns.

“But this is not the case with renewable energy sources. The only cost to the environment is its production, manufacturing, implementation and then disposal which will hopefully be recycled and we will have a circular economy and we won’t have to extract so many resources and minerals because we would reuse them at the end of their life batteries etc.” – she said.

In fact, one facility in Tennessee does just that, remanufacturing solar panels and batteries that can be recovered and recycling the rest. Meanwhile, a large wind farm in Poland uses recycled steel for its towers.

There have also been recent efforts to make clean energy more affordable. The cost of a solar PV system has dropped significantly over the last decade, making it much more accessible to a wider range of people. Investment in clean energy is also growing, a strong indicator of its increasing affordability and profitability.

The TikToker ended his video by explaining that renewable resources are much better for our planet in the long run.

“When it actually runs and does its job, producing energy, there is no cost to the environment. No costs,” she said. “The solar panels are sitting there and doing their thing. The batteries just sit there and do what they’re supposed to do. Wind turbines do what they are supposed to do. This does not result in any costs for the environment. … It is the least harmful form of energy production. It’s just better.”

Many commenters agreed, with one person accurately identifying the issue that prevents some from taking small steps toward meaningful, environmentally friendly changes that also lead to a healthier future.

“Perfect is the enemy of better,” they said.

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