
The government is not committed to policies that will improve the lives of Jamaicans – Prime Minister

Prime Minister Andrew Holness says the government remains committed to implementing policies that promote social cohesion, reduce inequalities and improve the quality of life for all Jamaicans.

He noted that as a nation, the government cannot afford to sacrifice the well-being of the most disadvantaged citizens in the pursuit of short-term gains.

“We must fulfill our responsibility to protect the poor and vulnerable,” he said, ensuring they have access to the resources and support they need to thrive.

Holness spoke at the May 22 unveiling of a bust of Lynden G. Newland at the National Heroes Circle in Kingston.

The sculpture pays tribute to the late former Minister of Labor who founded the Social Security System (NIS) in 1966.

On May 22, a bust was unveiled in honor of the late former Secretary of Labor Lynden G. Newland at the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, National Heroes Circle in Kingston.

The Prime Minister stated that Newland should be recognized for developing the concept of one of the most important security systems for people in need.

“LG Newland’s vision and commitment to establishing a social security system has had a profound impact on the lives of our citizens,” he noted.

“His refusal to bow to external pressures and his commitment to designing a system that offers support to the most vulnerable members of our society deserve our utmost respect and admiration,” he added.

The Prime Minister reiterated the administration’s determination to maintain sound and sound macroeconomic policies for the benefit of the nation.

Citing the government’s success in economic management, with nine consecutive budgets without imposing new taxes, Mr. Holness said this level of fiscal discipline had played a key role in supporting economic stability and growth, enabling Jamaica to address external challenges and uncertainties.

“Our government has repeatedly shown that responsible economic policy can bring positive results… and it is the right thing to do. By maintaining fiscal prudence and prioritizing (the needs of the poor and vulnerable), we have managed to create (a more inclusive and resilient society),” he added.

Holness further emphasized the importance of striking a balance between economic growth and social well-being, arguing that sustainable development should be built on the principles of equality and justice.

Holness said the government will continue to seek consensus to unite the country on a shared vision of progress and prosperity, encouraging citizens to actively engage in the development and implementation of policies that reflect the values ​​of compassion and empowerment.