
Chinese scientists apply new models of sustainable wind and solar investments in countries covered by the Belt and Road Initiative – pv International magazine

To evaluate renewable energy, particularly solar and wind energy, in light of the limited supply of materials, researchers at Shenzhen University have developed novel hybrid multi-criteria decision-making models (MCDM) that incorporate circular economy principles, waste potential, and life cycle assessment (LCA ).

The framework was applied to a case study of China’s investment policy in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries. These include Bahrain, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Malaysia, Poland, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Thailand, Serbia and the United Arab Emirates.

“Currently, renewable energy is expanding around the world and we are facing some challenges related to material scarcity due to limited availability of certain materials and increasing waste production,” said research leader Ali Hashemizadeh magazine pw. “Therefore, in this study, we tried to leverage the fundamentals of the circular economy (CE) to address these challenges.”

Scientists took a multi-step approach to develop a “practical and comprehensive, criteria-based” framework for assessing solar and wind energy. A panel of 10 experts then contributed knowledge, the contribution of which was assessed based on “sociometric levels of trust” using social network analysis tools and “mutual trust values”.

In the second stage, weights were assigned to the criteria using the fuzzy best-worst method (FBWM) and an improved method based on the criterion effects removal methodology (eMEREC). The former is intended determine the most desirable, most important criteria, as well as the least desirable, least important equivalents, the latter being the information management system that

The alternatives were then ranked according to the compromise solution methodology. Finally, the integrity and accuracy of the framework was tested across BRI countries. Based on the study’s results, Hashemizadeh said solar energy performs well on circular economy metrics, but recycling should be a priority. “There is therefore a need to rebuild the material flow for photovoltaic technology to establish a renovation plan and assess resource-efficient waste management policies in each country.”

It was found that solar farms have high CE rates, but recycling should be prioritized. “Material flows should include a renovation plan and resource-efficient waste management policies in each country,” the team said. Wind power was also deemed well suited to the needs of BRI countries, but “also needs better waste disposal methods” and the construction of virtual supply chain networks with a focus on cost minimization.

The team noted that Chinese investment in BRI energy sector projects amounted to more than $50 billion, of which more than $20 billion was spent on renewable energy. The potential for growth is high in response to “public concerns about the shortcomings of fossil fuels.”

“Despite significant renewable energy resources, BRI countries face shortfalls in renewable energy extraction,” the researchers said, adding that China has the potential to support renewable energy in the region.

Researchers highlighted three policy implications. First, policy needs to take into account and emphasize resource efficiency and life cycle management when using solar and wind technologies. Ecodesign principles are needed to promote the use of recycled materials and encourage the development of effective recycling infrastructure.

The second concerned extended producer responsibility (EPR). “Policymakers can establish EPR programs requiring solar and wind technology manufacturers to take responsibility for their products throughout their lifespan,” the group noted.

The third was about sourcing sustainable materials and components. “Policymakers should encourage the use of sustainable and recycled materials in the production of solar panels and wind turbines. This includes supporting research and development efforts to identify alternative materials with lower environmental impact, as well as establishing certification systems that prioritize environmentally friendly sourcing practices,” the researchers said.

The researchers said that to overcome the limitations of the framework, further research is needed on the interaction between criteria such as redesign, reduction and reduction, as well as analysis of new solar energy niches such as floating solar. Moreover, future research could develop a comprehensive criteria system for different levels of the renewable energy sector, which would provide basic benchmarks for assessing renewable energy in some parts of the world, such as Africa, the Middle East and South America, they stressed.

When asked about the response to the paper so far, Hashemizadeh said: “Experts and policymakers were impressed not only by the relevant case study, but also by the approach to sustainability used in the study and found it very important to achieve a greener global future.”

The research results are presented in the paper ‘A Circular Economy-Based Assessment Framework for Enhancing Sustainability in Lifecycle-Aware Renewable Energy Development’, published in the journal Review of the environmental impact assessment.

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