
Rise in car thefts causes revival of popular devices (video) » Industry Dot Biz

Car theft has increased significantly in various regions, posing a serious challenge to both law enforcement agencies and vehicle owners.

Detective reveals shocking increase in car thefts!

Car thefts have increased from 800 to more than 4,000 a year in some areas, it said, highlighting a disturbing trend that affects countless people every day.

The Federal Government’s Response to Auto Theft

In response to rising car theft rates, the federal government recently introduced an action plan.

This plan emphasizes tougher penalties for car theft and provides additional resources for emergency services and law enforcement to better deal with these crimes.

Relay theft mechanics

One of the most sophisticated methods of car theft is relay theft, specifically the signal amplification relay attack (SARA). This technique involves the cooperation of two thieves.

The first thief uses an electronic device to intercept the signal from a car remote control located in the victim’s house. This signal is then passed on to a second thief standing near the vehicle, allowing him to unlock and start the car without physical access to the key.

Car theft prevention techniques

Several preventive devices have been proposed to combat relay theft. One such device is a Faraday bag, which blocks the transmission of the remote control signal to the outside, thus preventing it from being intercepted by thieves. These bags are readily available online and are an affordable option to keep your vehicle safe.

Another traditional but effective anti-theft protection is the steering wheel lock. These locks attach to the steering wheel, making it difficult for thieves to drive the vehicle even if they manage to start it. Additionally, locking the diagnostic port can prevent thieves from reprogramming a new key to a stolen vehicle.

Technology solutions and tracking

For vehicle owners looking for a more advanced solution, GPS tracking devices, including widely available products such as Apple AirTags, offer a way to monitor the vehicle’s location. These devices can significantly aid in the recovery of stolen vehicles by providing law enforcement agencies with real-time tracking information.


While no safety measure is foolproof, combining several deterrents can significantly increase vehicle safety. The escalation of car theft requires both increased awareness of vehicle owners and proactive actions to protect their property.